Butterflies For

Early morning sunrise
coffee black, mist upon the air
i close my eyes and think of her

Butterflies for Tess

A beautiful Kentucky lass
vibrant, glowing, spirited;
a living portrait of my Father's love

Butterflies for Tess

I smile when memories
like sweet wine cascade over me;
quiet walks, laughter, shared moments

Butterflies for Tess

When I hear my Father's voice
flowing gently over my soul;
unbroken promises, for He's heard my cry

Butterflies for Tess

A secret He shares, His heart and mine
of a gift that He's sent her, His best and
most prized above all; and i smile

Butterflies For


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Let's go back to ~ A Soldier's Best ~ ...hmmmm?I'm getting confused...maybe we better go back to the beginning again

Let's go back to the EMBERS content page ok???

Why don't you drop me a line ok? The next poem we'll see is ~ Behind Closed Doors ~ ok?

:::::::: NOTE ::::::::
Mr. Behlen does NOT 
allow his sets to be used on any postcard sites.

Mr. Behlen allowed Moon and Back Graphics
to add the angel to his beautiful painting.

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copyright 2004 Poetry by littlebird