Touch of Silk

the velvet skin
and the scent of you

The warmth within
the whispered hush
the smile i feel

the heart revealed
reaching out

Your warmth inviting
breathless wonder
eyes closed and waiting

yet the taste of hunger
leaves me wanting more

Head on my shoulders
hand upon my chest
you lay against me

your gentle curves
lay nestled in warmth

And we lay wrapped
in each other

the velvet skin
and the scent of you

And then i awake
and weep
for twas only a dream

for in my dream
a knight, a queen, and a rose

Then i smell your scent
i see the rose
and i smile


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Let's go back to ~ Behind Closed Doors ~ shall we?I'm getting confused...maybe we better go back to the beginning again

Let's go back to the EMBERS content page ok???

Why don't you drop me a line ok? The next poem we'll see is ~ A Woman's Strength ~ ...ok?

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Moon and Back Graphics



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