Colors Of The Wind

Hazel eyes, soft brown hair,
a smile that stops time
but does she know the colors of the wind

A picture of a woman
and yet, I know she's so much more,
but could she know the colors of the wind

So many questions, I wonder to myself
of what might tickle her heart, or
possibly paint the colors of her wind

How do I reach her in such a way
to touch her heart like no other,
how do I paint her colors of the wind

I close my eyes, and the answer softly comes
a whisper as water quietly running through a brook
a way to share with her, my colors of the wind

But will she answer, or will she laugh
a chance, only for the chance I humbly ask,
to offer her colors of the wind

A chance that perhaps, in time,
we can learn from each other
and paint our own

Colors Of The Wind


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Let's go back to the ~ Baby's Poem ~..ok??                                 I'm getting confused...maybe we better go back to the beginning again

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Why don't you drop me a line ok?                            Let's go check out the next poem entitled ~ Heart Strings ~.. ok?


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