A Mother's Heartstring
From love's first touch
between mother and child
i felt your heart string
My heart beat stirred as
your finger brushed against
my cheek and we both wept
Through those tender years with
scrapes, bruises, scratches, broken bones
our bond just grew stronger
The 'teen' years; a battle of wills
but i always knew deep inside
that when i needed you, you were there
First loves, first kisses, first broken heart
you walked through it all with me
my heart still stirring whenever i felt your touch
Now that i've grown, with children of my own
memories come flooding back, as i understand
your wisdom, strength, humour, and devotion
Thank you Mom, for all of your patience,
tenderness, laughter and tears
but most of all, may God bless you for
A Mother's heartstring of love