Whispering Dreams

A pen, a paper. and an idea
a song, an inspiration
a whisper

Born of ideas,
brought to light
with painted portraits

Of Castle's Fair
unicorns and princess's
and of faeries

Or ocean's waves
sun, sandcastles
and starfish

A woodland scene
with rocks and trees
and nature's delight

Of stars and moons
and planets revolving
in orbits of their own

Painted portraits done by
a pen, a paper, an inspiration
and an open heart

The world
as we wish it
to be




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Let's go back to ~ Mother's Day ~ ...hmmmm?                           I'm getting confused...maybe we better go back to the beginning again

Let's go back to the FLAMES content page ok???

Why don't you drop me a line ok?                           The next poem we'll see is 
~ Within A Dream ~ ...ok?





beautiful painting used for this set is by artist,
Jim Warren, and used with his permission.
Please take a few moments and visit 
his ~ enchanting ~ art studio. 
Just be prepared to be dazzled!

Moon and Back Graphics







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copyright 2004 Poetry by littlebird