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Within Your Dreams

As night shadows lengthened,
your whispers overtook me as
once again i dreamt of you

The waves lapping against the shore; your laughter
rang clear as it teasingly taunted me;
~ come play in my world ~

I hesitated, for fear that you were simply
a vanishing brushstroke of the water's forever painting;
yet again you bid me come ~ join me ~

Then laughing i ran into the water, taking you;
while lifting me high into the moonlight we shared
burning kisses, tender touches, and hearts

Hour after hour we relished in each other
drinking in deeply each other's essence;
time, for me, stood still

Sharing promises, hopes, dreams, futures,
i wept for such joy that you should find
such a companion of hearts in me

Sadly though, during the early morning hours,
you softy kissed me goodbye, and silently
slipped back into the water's depths

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I awoke once again to silence;
a growing tear on my cheek, your kiss still upon my lips
when i heard you once more beckon to me

Fervently and desperately I tried to find you,
as i sat upon that lonely dock. Then; an image of you, as you whispered i'll be back again tonight my love

Within Your Dreams





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Let's go back to ~ Whispering Dreams ~ 
...hmmmm?                                 I'm getting confused...maybe we better go back to the beginning again

Let's go back to the FLAMES content page ok???

Why don't you drop me a line ok?                                 Let's go on to the next poem; 'My Father's Answer' shall we?




The wonderful painting is ©Tom Sierak, artist,
and used with his permission. This
painting is no longer available at his 
site as it has SOLD OUT.  But please feel
free to visit his site to find many more
wonderful paintings and prints.


Moon and Back Graphics


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copyright 2004 Poetry by littlebird