

Important virtually unknown facts about Domestic Abuse

A woman is beaten every 15 minutes in the US alone!

4 million women in the US seek medical help each year from abuse.

4000 die each year in the US.
And that's just in the US!

It's time to

Stop The Violence

Why, Lord, Why?

I sat with my Father and could only weep.
Nonstop tears fell from my red swollen eyes;
while my Father only sat there and held me.
Why, Lord, i asked?..Why?

Do they not know the life they gamble with
is so very precious? A priceless gift.
It's always 'the hope of tomorrow will be different'
That famous shattered dream of "Only if".

Why, Lord, i continued?..Why?
Do your sons and daughters live in pain
when help is out there pleading for their hand;
a first step, any step, none are in vain.

Silently i sat, my head buried in My Father's side.
All the bruises, broken bones, and broken dreams
of those still out there who have lost almost all hope
continued to rip at my soul, tearing at it's seams.

Why, Lord, I pleaded..Why?
A phone call, an email, or even a yelp.
So many of your Angels waiting for that sign;
A single step, a candle burning, an open path to help.

My Father silently looked at me;
a single tear fell from His eyes. And
He lifted His hands to show me the
Scars from the nails in His hands.

So many times, my son, have I heard the silent pleas
from souls terrified from living a lie.
But I cannot make that choice for them;
they must take it themselves..or Die!

Hope is what you Must believe in,
For Hope is the sign that I care!
A single forward step alone; that all important step
Then my Angels will take it from there!

Wiping my eyes with a gentle touch,
He smiled and we both knew why.
For off in the distance we could faintly hear
The softest sound ever, a single cry.


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As i have said throughout my website, i am not a poet.
But tonight, a heaviness has been tearing at me and i
knew that my Father was once again talking to me.

Abuse Cannot be ignored!

Whether it's verbal, physical, or sexual. And thinking that
it will go away, is simply wishful thinking! It's a disease!
A disease for which there's no cure.

Husband or wife spousal abuse; or abuse of a child
is a terrifying, dehumanizing, immoral injustice that
often has it's victims too terrified or too mesmerized
by uncontrollable fear of what happens next.

If i make that call, or write that email,
what happens to me;
my children?
I can answer that in two simple words;
words directly from my Father.

You Live!

Please, from the Heart of one who truly cares!
Make that call, click that link, or write that email


Within this journey; you will find Hotlines to every
state in the US including Puerto Rico!
Help within your fingertips; within your grasp. Please make the most
Important call of your lifetime
for it's Your life we're most worried about!

I don't want you to hurt anymore!

Also in this journey of stories, poems, hotlines,
resources and many many other treasures;
you will find links to an organization which i am a
Proud member
~Angels That Care~
standing by and waiting to hear from you.

What makes Angels That Care different is that
these Angels have been where you're at now. That
undecided moment; that final straw that was too
much to bear.

Many hands reaching out to you.
Many hearts that say we care.
Many souls that will live to see tomorrow.
Futures for all of us to

I would much rather walk beside you today,
then walk to your graveside tomorrow!

God Bless



Please be sure to check out the
Teddy Bear Project.
A graphical way to tell others
~I Care!~

And be sure to also take a look at
The Nazareth Connection
I have joined with Maria Hart in helping
to bring about a long overdue apology

Would you like to take a peek at my Photo Album?

Please feel free to visit my guestpage and share some of your own wishes

I'm getting confused...maybe we better go back to the beginning again
Let's continue on to the PASSIONS content page ok???
Why don't you drop me a line ok?


Greg Olsen is the artist who painted this wonderful               painting.  Please feel free to stop in and visit!

Moon and Back Graphics

Special thanks to Kurt Grigg for the great rain script!
Please click here to see more of his javascript goodies


Please click here
to check out Angels That Care
and hopefully join our fight
to Stop The Violence!


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copyright 2004 Poetry by littlebird