Suffer the little children to come unto me
and I shall grant them peace!
"The times I said this to myself over and over
again in that bloody home when I got beaten
and was licking my many wounds and I thought
to myself where is God? Why is He allowing this
to go on? Why does He not help me? On and
on the questions ran riot in my mind each and every
day and I wanted Him and Mary to come and take
me away so that I would not suffer any more!
Oh How I wish with all of my heart it was never
like this and that I could say and tell I had a
happy childhood. I don't like telling what went on, my
friend, but the world needs to hear it
and know about what our lives were like to
force change through public opinion. For the protection
of our children, the future of our tomorrows,
and make it stop for good!"
Maria Hart's recent testimony to me
taken from a recent conversation
The latest ruling passed down from
the Executive Director of children and youth [Sept 2004]
Excerpt from Home Affairs Editor Neil Mackay ~ lawyer ~
MORE than 1000 victims of institutionalised
abuse in Scottish children’s homes run by
churches and charities have accused the
Scottish Executive and the First Minister
of insulting and betraying them by refusing
to set up a public inquiry into the ill-treatment
and sexual assaults they suffered while
in care.
Abuse victims petitioned the Executive
asking for Scotland to tackle the legacy
of abuse in residential care by priests,
nuns and charity staff over recent decades
by setting up a public inquiry similar to ones
recently established in Ireland and Australia.
In Ireland, the government apologised to
survivors and set about making financial
payments to all victims.
However, Peter Peacock, the minister for
education and young people, has refused
to set up any inquiry, saying that he doesn’t
believe it would “meet the needs of survivors
or be in the public interest”.
personal note: littlebird
I ask you to not just take
My word for it; but instead, do the
research yourself. Discover the countless
others in Scotland who have also suffered
this fate; the heartache and abandonment
from the recent court ruling handed down by the
Executive authority.
Maria; along with
In Care Abused Survivor's [INCAS]
and Testament ~ private forum for survivors only ~
sites have been fighting 'the system'
for several years now. They are Not
asking for large monetary gains, or
~ out to fleece the system ~.
They're only asking for a state and
Nazareth House apology and explanation.
"Why; as vessels of God, did you treat,
abuse, and then deny the life you created
for us? And then when we as adults question;
you deny and brand us liars yet again? Why?"
Point of note:
Australia and Ireland Institutions and state government officials have admitted fault,
blame and have recently set up government
programs to help abuse victims of Catholic
orphanages in their respective countries.
Yet Scotland's Executive Minister blatantly
denies any responsiblity or truth to over
1000 victims of child abuse from
Nazareth House and other such
institutions in Scotland.
Excerpt from Home Affairs Editor Neil Mackay ~ lawyer ~
"Draper, a former social worker and university
lecturer in ethics, said he believed the
Executive did not want an inquiry as it would “open a can of worms”, because of the responsibility the state had to supervise the welfare of
children while they were in the care
of organizations like the church."
Excerpt from Cameron Fyfe ~ lawyer for many of the survivor/victims ~
“My clients feel they have been branded Liars!
Apologies and acknowledgement are
all they care about – not compensation.”
Fyfe also pointed out that none of his clients
has ever received an apology from any
of the institutions in which the more than
1000 survivor/victims were abused.
Tell me Mr. Scottish Executive or First Minister?
"How can over 1000 people; not including the
countless silent that are still too Terrified,
be telling the same exact story word
for word unless there is truth and validity
in their claims?" Simply because you do not
want to or are afraid of opening a
'can of worms'?
My gentle souls
~ Do the research. Find out for yourself .~
Don't take my word for what's happening in Scotland.
Please contact Maria Hart @
or go to her website Maria's Website
Truth never needs a wall
to uphold it for
Truth shall stand on it's own!
Ask yourself
~ "What if this were me? " ~
Suffer the little children to come unto me
and I shall grant them peace!
God Bless