The Teddy Bear Project

What is the Teddy Bear Project?

It's actually for both the victim and/or survivor

For the victim,
It's a ~ message of Surviving ~!

A graphical message to those
out there in the cyber world who are reaching
out for help. Souls who are crying out
for someone who will listen without judging; needing the path
to freedom or taken by the hand and being lead to
ever so gentle qualified ~ heart specialists ~; those people
and organizations that were and are still being created
for the sole purpose of saving lives.!

For the survivor, it's a way of offering
your hand to help those others who have yet
to take that all important First Step!

Who knows?...Maybe you yourself might be the
life preserver to another soul who finds him or herself
going under for the last time!

I am offering a free graphic and link
to any and all who want to help me
spread the Good News that there is hope!
Hope for a better today, and Hope for
an even Grander tomorrow!

All i ask is that you join me in displaying the graphic
below on your web site along with link
that will give your viewers a chance to
find sources that may provide them
a way out of that Deathly whirlpool.

And perhaps, they too can share in displaying the
graphic and link on their website. In so doing;
someday, my Father may truly smile
for there won't be any more pain in this wonderful
world that He gave us!

Please Right click & "save Picture as" onto your Hard Drive
** No Direct Linking Please **

and Link Them Back To:

That link will take you to a web page
that contains links to several
sites around the globe that provide information,
care specialists, other organizations with similiar
backgrounds, and so much more.

Thank You For Your Support in My Father's Wish
For A Better Tomorrow For All!

They say that a picture
is worth a thousand words. What better picture could
represent hope to the millions yet out there hurting;
then that of a small teddy bear?

Someone from our childhood that we held our greatest
trust in!

A message of Hope. A message that tells the world

I Care!

God Bless



I would also add that you may even place
the graphic with link in your email messages!
For the more we reach out
the greater chance we have
of a ~ World of Peace! ~>


One small tiny favor.

Please email me or write in my
guestbook and let me know

so that i may come visit
your web page and we can share our
journey together!

Thank you! For taking the time to
share ~ for taking the time to Care! ~


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Would you like to take a peek at my Photo Album?

Please feel free to visit my guestpage and leave some teddy bear thoughts of your own


Let's go back to ~  ~ ...hmmmm?

I'm getting confused...maybe we better go back to the beginning again

Why don't you drop me a line ok?

Let's go back to the PASSIONS content page ok???





This lovely painting by
Laurie Snow Hein is available
for purchase.

Arts Unique has a wonderful selection of art.
Please do stop in and visit.

Moon and Back Graphics



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copyright 2004 Poetry by littlebird