Resently, it came to my attention by way of several rather angry emails that this section of my site is offensive and has been "stolen" from another webpage and its webmaster. Because of two things, this section of my webpage will not be up after the next two weeks or so. I am only leaving up now in order to make it clear what happened and to applogize to WDC and to Skinbone, who admittly did first have the idea of interviewing Kuririn and Juuhachigou.
If you have any questions or comments, please direct them to me at dragonswiss
I first want to make it clear that "Little Chestnut" and I do appologize. It was never the intention of this webpage to steal from anyone, and never will be. If you ever have any problems with this webpage or anything on it, please let me know and it will come under my immediate attention.
This is the "Little Chestnuts" formal apology: I APOLOGIZE.
The following are four correspondances about this section. The first is the message that appeared on the updates page of WDC by the author, Skinbone. The next two are those that I recieved from two people in responce to this. When I figured out what the problem was, I wrote to Skinboe. The last letter is mine. I hope that it clears things up.
1. Skinbone's comments on his webapge:
Tuesday, April 15, 2003 By: Skinbone
Also one more little thing. See this site ---> This one right here. Look familiar! Damn straight it does! That dirty thief. I highly suggest you let this lovely web-person know how much better DBC:WDC is than that horribly crappy Kuririn shrine! WHO LIKES KURIRIN ANYWAY? Also I'd like to take this opportunity to remind you that even though we are long removed from being a DBZOA parody, there site is also equally horrible and infects the minds of young Americans. Thank you for your time. Come back soon.
2. First Response:
Okay, no. Just no. Come up with something yourself! I mean yours isn't even funny! Come on, you SO totally stole this from DBC:WDC! I may not be too bright but I can see a ripoff when I... um... see a ripoff!
( Now apologize! )
3. Second Response:
Dude, stealing stuff is wrong and dorky. You should remove it and apologize to WDC.
Later, after I had written to him and explained:
Ah. Well, you should definitely talk to WDC about this, I think they'd understand.
4. My email to Skinbone:
I am the person who runs "Little Chestnut" - the website that has resently shown up on your webpage with...slighty negative comments from yourself. I wouldn't have known, except for the fact that you have some really loyal fans out there who wrote me and told me that they were angry with me and that you were as well. You can imagine my surprise when I realised what was wrong.
Firstly, I want to appologize.
You're right, when I first got on the internet three years ago I saw something like the interviews on a webpage called "Juuhachigou's Cabin." I believe you ran that one before the WDC. The older webpage was a favorite. I was ecspecially a fan of the interviews. I thouht it was a wonderful idea.
I included my version of the interviews on my first webpage - not copies of your, not even their pictures. I made my own. I thought it would be interesting, kind of a tribute to you and your invention and what had been one of my favorite sites. I didn't do it to rip anyone off.
When I created "Little Chestnut" I rediscovered my old interview files and put them up again to see if they got any response. There were none - until now. I guess you could say that you feel negatively about the resent addition. Two other people - undoubtly after seeing your resent update - wrote me and told me so. It really bothered me, ecspecailly before I made the connection as to were it was comming from.
Now that I understand, I do appologize. I really wasn't trying to rip anyone off or steal - I was just inspired by your ideas. I haven't even seen their interviews for years. However, I'm sorry that I made you so angry. I'm going to post your comments and this email to the interview section on my webpage for a week or two to explain and appologise, and then I will gladdly and humbly remove the section. Your first website was among the first I ever saw, and I idolized you as a webmaster. I would never have put up the section in the first place if I knew it would make you angry.
I hope that this email straightens things out between us. It was hurtful to see my webpage pasted so blatantly and angrily on your website. Please write me back if you would, so I can know for sure you got this. If you would, I would really appreciate it if you would take backwhat you said on your update page - I promice to take down the interview section on my site.
If you ever have any problems with me or my webpage again, I would greatly appreciate it if you spoke to me about it directly. It would make it easier for me to correct if need be. Thanks.
Sincerly and humbly, Swiss Army Knife |