During the course of the program, Kuririn indisputably plays a number of very important rolls.  The most important events may have come as a result of his multiple deaths, (such as Gokuu and Gohon’s transition to Super Sayiajin.) but here I have compiled a short list of some of the important things he does while he is alive.

Saving Dende/
Perhaps the most heroic and yet most overlooked act that Kuririn ever does is when he and the others fight Freezer in his second form.  Up until this time, Kuririn could often be seen standing next to or in front of the little Nemekian child, or shielding him from this or that attack.  Finally releasing his fury, Freezer uses a whirlwind to knock the small warriors into the air, along with most of the island that they were standing on.  Up in the air, debris falling all around him, Gohon looks around frantically for Kuririn, calling his name.  When Kuririn responds, we find him off to the left with little Dende clutched in his arms.  Blood is tricking down his forehead.

Freezer seems delighted by the looks on the poor fighter’s faces at his show of strength and informs them all that he planned to kill them one at a time.  He carefully considers them each, icy eyes surveying each fighter.  Seemingly amused by the fact that Kuririn no longer seems frightened, but angry, Freezer suddenly blasts off towards him and the terrified, whimpering Dende.  Eyes widening as he realized the tyrant was heading directly in his direction, Kuririn resolutely shoves the child away from him just in time to keep the boy from getting impaled…and took the blow instead upon himself…

Because of this action, Dende survives long enough to heal not only Kuririn, but also Gohon, Piccolo, and Vejiita, all factors which enabled them to hold on until Gokuu showed up and his transition to Super Sayiajin.

Saving some Humans from Cell/ While seemingly small in nature, I think that any life saved is important.  And this one in particular took guts.  Cell was going on the rampage, undetected by the Zed fighters due to his lack of ki.  On his way to the Kame house, Kuririn happens on the green biocyborg about to kill a small boy and his sister.  He pulls them out of harms way and into the air, and distracts Cell long enough for them to get away.  It was rather pathetic, he was so helpless, but it was a brave thing to do nonetheless.  And again, every life is important.  On an unrelated note, it was cute to see him blush when the young woman thanked him.

Saving Juuhachigou/
This is a rather debateable circumstances.  It's true that Kuririn did physically spare her life when he refused to shut her down, and he did almost die when he tried in vain to protect her from Cell.  Yes, he picked her up after she was regurgated.  Yes.  Yes.  But if you want to look at the bigger scheme of things, you could say that Kuririn did more than save her life.  He saved her humanity too, and as a result you could almost say that he saved the earth to - from the monster that Juuhachigou might have become if she had turned into her mirai counterpart.
Roles of Importance
(While Alive)
Spirit Bomb/ One of the most notable roles that Kuririn plays is in the Sayiajin Saga when Gokuu has been nearly killed by an enormous monkey-like Vejiita.  After the Prince is reverted back to normal size and he and Gohon begin their battle, Gokuu calls an injured Kuririn over to his side.  Smiling rather brokenly, he tells Kuririn of the spirit bomb and how it might stop Vejiita.  Giving the powerful ki weapon to Kuririn, he entrusts the fate of the world to the smaller warrior.  In the end, Kaio freaks Kuririn out so badly (stupid Kaio…) that he misses, but with a bit of help from Gohon, it turns out okay.
Almost Killing Vejiita/ This occurs after Gohon the giant monkey boy sits on Vejiita, crippling him.  When he tries to escape to his pod, an injured Kuririn manages to get a hold of a discarded sword and attempts to kill Vejiita.  He would have to, if it had not been for Gokuu telepathically intercepting.  Stupid Gokuu…
Sibamen/ Before the real fight with Nappa and Vejiita begins, the Zed senshi are made to fight a number of little green men from outer space.  These are the Sibamen, and they manage to kill Yamucha before their threat is quelled.  In the face of his friends gruesome death, Kuririn becomes enraged and uses (for the first and last time) his most powerful attack – the Kakusandanha.  This proceeds to destroy all but one of the Sibamen.
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