Though largely overshadowed by the Sayiajin of the program, Kuririn is still a very skillful fighter. He has a large array of attacks, and they affect his opponents in a variety of different ways. Those used most often are listed below.
Regular fighting skills/ Due to his training from a great many different masters, and his main sensei’s general “to the wind” approach at teaching, Kuririn has a very unique fighting style – one that is all his own. Gokuu’s and his style are similar, of course, since they did train together, but Muten Roshi never does give them any real training over general fighting.
Assorted ki blasts/ Kuririn has blue ki blasts, as does his sensei. Everything from the famous Kamehamaha to the just the general nameless blasts are tainted with that lovely blue tint. Kuririn has been seen doing both singe and double handed ki attacks.
Teleportation (Speed) This is not the kind of “teleportation” technique that Gokuu uses throughout the later half of Dragonball Z, but rather the general speed technique that allows him to fad in and out of view, leaving an after image of himself. Before the show gets dumb, (and the entire martial arts aspect is thrown into blurred punches and zero skill or technique…) this is one of the most important attacks.
Bu Kuu Jutsu (flight) This is the most widely used technique ever developed, and indisputably the most useful. Widely versatile, it can be used for everything from transportation, offensive attack, defensive get-out-of-the-way-of-that-ki-blast moves, for expanding the range of fighting, or just for plain old pleasure. (Note from the Webmistreess: This is probably also the most envied move among those living in painful reality. Darn it, I wish I could fly…)
Kienzan (“distructo disc” – should be translated “ki disc”) This is perhaps Kuririn’s most famous attack, and is rather obviously meant as a finishing move. Obviously. It comes in the form of a thick whirling disc with razor sharp edges that have been known to slice through mountains. Note: This is not the same kind of disc attack that Freezer or Gokuu use. Only Kuririn uses this variation of the attack, whish is (relatively) larger, white, and probably meant to be a more powerful move than the others occasionally use.
Kamehamaha Wave/ As the humans go out of style, we don’t get to see this move much any more out of Kuririn, and some people don’t even realize that Kuririn is also capable of the Kamehamaha wave. Gokuu uses the move more, making it his trading card in a battle. Unfortunately, being outclassed and out powered by his best friend, (As always) Kuririn has to find other moves besides the Kamehamaha that are affective on adversaries much stronger than he is. He is one of only four people whom have ever learned this powerful technique. (putting Cell aside)
Saikitsuku (solar flare) This attack originated with Tenshinhan, but it is so affective that it gradually spreads to everyone else’s arsenal. It creates a bright flare of white light that it capable of temporarily blinding an opponent. Kuririn and Gokuu are the first of the others to use it, and the number of times that it saves their hides is uncountable.
Split form/ This is another of Tenshinhan’s attacks that everyone seems to love. Tenshinhan himself can split himself into four separate pieces, all independent and capable of fighting on their own. Kuririn and Piccolo use a variation of the move, but are only split into three pieces. The only downfall to this attack is that the fighter’s power is divided among the pieces, giving only 1/4 or 1/3 of their power to each.
Kakusandanha/ This is Kuririn’s jumbo trump card, which he uses only one time during his fight with the sibamen and they kill Yamucha. Obviously intended as a killing move, it involves using just about all of your energy and gathering it together into one great blast, slow but incredibly powerful. As the small warrior demonstrates during that one time usage, it can also be split into pieces and used against a multitude of adversaries at once. The only problem with this is that each piece of the blast doesn’t retain full strength. Why doesn’t Kuririn use this more often if it is so powerful? (Indeed it is as powerful as the user himself, seeing as the blast uses all of a person’s energy.) One reason might be because of its danger – it would be easy to overexert and sap yourself dry. And even if you didn’t you would be helpless to any further attack by an adversary that managed to survive…
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