Earth/ What can you say about the earth? Native to the planet are a race of physically and mentally weak people, totally oblivious to any persons outside of their own little worlds, and indeed entirely oblivious that they are almost constantly under some form of attack… On the bright side, the planet does host a number of Sayiajin, Nemeks, and the occasional nose less, bald mutation.
Kame House/ This is the site of Kuririn’s long-lived training under the perverted Master Roshi. Bright Pink and stationed on an indestructible little mound of sand, the Kame House remains an important center of activity throughout the Dragonball timeline. In the end it becomes Kuririn and his family’s home.
Orinji/ This is the temple that Kuririn grew up in and hosted the first eight years of his training. (And if you think it’s a Buddhist temple, you’re out of your mind.) Everyone training here is bald six dots on their head, and are generally both very egotistical and very weak…
Nemeksei/ Other than Earth, this rather bare planet is the base of the Dragonball world. It is from Nemeksei that Kame and the dragonballs originally came from, and later it becomes universally renowned for the battle that brought into being the very first Super Sayiajin in thousands of years – after the death of a certain small earthling.
Capsule Corp./ Perhaps the most important of them all, this is the base of the most brilliant scientists on the planet earth. It boasts the creation of capsules, the only real spaceships, and just about everything else of mechanical nature in the program.
Other World/ This is a place for dead people, and for Kuririn, it can certainly be counted as an important place, seeing as how he visits it so often. Yes, the guy who runs the place must be pretty good friends with the little guy after all of his multiple deaths…
Hospital/ In the Dragonball world, one must not forget to mention the hospital as one of the more important places. After all, Kuririn and the others practically have their own reserved rooms here… |