Does Kuririn have a nose?
No. During the Dragonball series, young Kuririn faces a very smelly enemy (Bacterian) at the tournament, and wins only because Gokuu reminds him that he should not be affected by such an adversary – because he didn’t have a nose. (Side note: Strangely, in Dragonball Z Kuririn seems to often forget this missing piece of anatomy in that he is always making reference to being able to smell something or another…)
Why does he have those strange dots on his head?
Kuririn does not have dots on his head naturally – he was previously a monk at the Orinji Temple, and the pattern of dots are scars, burned into his head a very young age. This is characteristic of all the trainees from the temple, as it symbolizes their home and masters.
Is he bald?
No! Kuririn does have hair, but when training at Orinji, it was all shaved off as a way “to unfetter his ki.” In all actuality, it was meant so that adversaries would be unable to grab his hair. Later, after he marries, his wife seems to convince him to stop shaving his head since he no longer fights often, and he grows back a head full of thick, jet-black hair. (Click here for a picture of Kuririn with hair.)
Is he really human?
Duh. Of course he is human! His unusual appearance doesn’t make him any less human! *Webmistress rolls her eyes* How could anyone think that?
How old is Kuririn when he comes into the series?
When Kuririn is first introduced he is thirteen years old, as he tells the announcer at the 21st Tenkaichi Budoukai when he and Gokuu are interviewed. We actually get a flashback of him when he is a little younger, but not much.
How short is Kuririn?
This is a subject of speculation, as during different times and sagas, his height changes. Some people think that he is four feet something, some even less. However, realistically specking, the most logical listing that I have ever seen gives his height at 5’3’’. He may look shorter due to the fact that he is always near some very tall people. After all, he may only come up to Piccolo’s waist, but Piccolo clears seven feet! (For more on Kuririn’s size, go to the Why so Short? Section.)
How many times does Kuririn die?
Well, that depends. If you count the time that he dies in the Mirai dimension then he dies a total of five times. (Tambourine, Freezer, Buu, Super Seventeen, and the Mirai Cyborgs) If you want to count all the times that Gokuu, Gohon, and even himself relive one of his deaths or dream about him dying, the total jumps up to twelve! (Reference Gokuu’s Dreams for more on that.)
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