Hey, Kuririn. I couldn't reach you by your other e-mail, so I thought I'd try this one. I know you're probably busy --you know, with the whole world saving thing-- but I wanted to drop you a line to say how proud I am of you. I know it must be tough always looking up when things are looking down, especially since craning your neck that far would cause painful cricks to occur (just a joke, mitsu!) as well as very difficult to have to constantly put on a brave face for those around you. You've a good heart in you, Kuririn, and good people like you often get taken for granted. I hope you realize that even when things seem to be at their worst, you have friends who will follow you to the ends of the earth just 'cause they love ya. I'll bet even Vegeta has his soft spot for you! (Just don't mention that to him… you know what kind of reaction THAT would get.) In the meantime, keep it up out there! If for some reason you ever feel hurt and lonely, DON'T. Shut your mouth for a second and listen for us. We are always out there cheering you on, no matter what. You're more important than you realize. Sore ja, if you ever need to talk, don't hesitate to drop me a line, okay? Again, sorry about not being able to contact you via the original e-mail; the message keeps getting sent back, and with errors. Hopefully this'll get through to you. Take care of yourself, Something Washed |