The images displayed at Blue Ridge Graphics are free to use on personal home pages only. Use by commercial,  professional, business and non-profit organizations is prohibited.
The use of these graphics by web developers who create pages for another person or company for gain (whether actual, intended, or bartered), regardless if the site is being developed for commercial or private use, is strictly prohibited. The redistribution of these images, by any person or group, in any form in any media, will be concidered a breech of copyright laws. Applications for redistribution license are not available and any request for same will be abruptly denied.

None of the graphics offered here will be used on ANY web site that promotes racism, hate, or violence, or on sites that feature offensive and/or illegal materials, including adult content.

Images found at Blue Ridge Graphics may not be placed in other archives, collections or galleries. Editing/altering is NOT allowed under any circumstances. There is at least one blank button provided with every set. You may add the text of your choice  to these images, however, please understand that Blue Ridge Graphics (Celina Ensor) retains the copyright.

A link back to Blue Ridge Graphics ( must be provided on any and all pages where there are one or more images found at Blue Ridge Graphics. The link *must* be placed on the same page that the graphics are on. A text link, or the placement of the credit logo on a credits page, will not suffice. A matching Blue Ridge Graphics button is provided with every set to use for the return link.

You may NOT *link* to the images offered here. All graphics MUST be downloaded to your hard drive and uploaded to your own server. If you are uncertain how to download them to your hard drive, directions are provided on each set's page.

If at any time I feel you are in violation of these Terms and Conditions, you could be asked to remove the images from your site.  It's taken many long hours to create these images, some of which were very frustrating, but it isn't my intent to sound unfriendly at this juncture.  I'm simply trying  to inform those who choose to ignore my Terms and Conditions that they can be made, due to copyright laws, to remove the graphics. I do allow you to fix any errors prior to asking for removal.

If you don't understand copyright and would like to learn more, please use these links:


I do humbly appreciate your taking the time to read "The Fine Print."  Thanks so much  :)
So now, it's time for me to ask...

How do you feel about all of this?

Blue Ridge Graphics IndexSorry, read *this*, then :(

Blue Ridge Graphics © 1999-2005 Celina Svahins
All Rights Reserved.

Redistribution In Graphics Has To Stop!


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