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Daily yoga practice can help bring allergies under control.  Allergies are caused by both physical and psychological problems, which is why they tend to emerge after illness or periods of extreme stress.

As part of your daily routine, be sure to include these poses: standing sun, knee squeeze, seated sun, boat and cobra.  You should practice the half boat pose, for about one week before attempting the boat pose.  Include the complete breath exercise to strengthen the muscles that help you breathe and meditation to help relieve allergy-related problems such as poor sleep.

In addition to the exercises above, you can try a neti, or daily nasal wash.  The wash will remove pollen from your sinuses and toughen your mucosal membranes.

Instructions for nasal wash:

Fill a four-ounce paper cup halfway with warm water, and then add ½ teaspoon of salt. Put a crease in the lip of the cup so that it forms a spout. Slightly tilt your head back and to the left. Then slowly pour the water into your right nostril. The water will flow out of your left nostril or down the back of your throat if your left nostril is clogged. Spit out the water if it goes down your throat, or wipe the water from your face if it flows out of your left nostril. Fill the cup again, then repeat the procedure on the other side, pouring the water into your left nostril and tilting your head back and to the right so that the water flows out of your right nostril.


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