"I'm unconscious. Whether from knockout gas, alien mind probing, blackjack to the skull, or simple fatigue, I'm in no shape to answer you, cause I'm in a torture chamber/ alien ship/ facedown in the gutter/bed."  (Jason)

"I'm just not used to riding something so hard!" (Pawson)

"Love is a matter of chemistry, but sex is a matter of Physics." (Nan)

This one sounds like me; It's from a song called "Stress" by Jim's Big Ego:
"I'm addicted to stress that's the way I get things done/ If I'm not under pressure then I sleep too long/ and hang around like a bum/ and I think I'm going nowhere and that makes me nervous/ Everybody's out to get me but I feel all right"  (Jason)

"No mayo. No semen.  No, no, no, none of your viscous white substances on my sandwich please." (Jena)

"Death is the only stable relationship I'll ever get into" (Nan)

"Computer games don't affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music"--Kristian Wilson, Nintendo (DK)

"You're about as useless as a condom machine in the Vatican!" (Joanna)

"Ah, throwing stars.  Combining the mystery of ninja death-dealing with the free-wheeling fun of a frisbee.  It's like peanut butter and chocolate."  (Jason)

"So if you're not using your computer for Zero Wing, then what
are you using it for?" 
(Danny L.)

"Copy from one, it's plagiarism; copy from two, it's research."--Wilson Mizner (Wei)

"Roles.  Sometimes it is extremely difficult to shed the roles others expect to see us in, because they obstruct our selves.  Perhaps you would like to see me in the role of a writer who does not interrupt, who presents a slice of life without interference, without calling attention to the fact that this is a story.
          "I won't accept that role." --Ursula Hegi,
Intrusions (Jena)

"Only a man born in Budapest can enter a revolving door behind you and come out in front."
--John von Neumann (Danny L.)

"A closed mouth gathers no feet." (Sam)

"If warm Budweiser tastes like piss, does cold piss taste like Budweiser?  Because I could use the money" --Walch (Pawson)

this bipedal life form needs his sleep!" --Danny L.

"Eagles may soar, but weasels
never get sucked into jet engines." (Sam)

"If a tree falls in the forest, and no one's around to hear it, how much c**k does it suck that I bombed two tests today?" (Pawson)

"CAUTION...We have a trigger-happy Klingon at tactical." (Jade

West: "OK, so how about this graph? What's the velocity function doing here?
Mona: Nothing. It's just sort of standing there and not moving. Perhaps humming to itself a little. (Mona)

"Screwed up. That's a technical term." --Professor Trippe (Duck)

"Coding in binary is easy! There are only two commands. If one doesn't work, try the other one." (Danny L.)

"We're like powder milk and not the fresh squeezed cow stuff." (Mona)

"Sex  kills. Come to CMU and live forever." --Ben (Pawson)

"Rather than go to MIT, why not go to hell?" -- from Chinese class (Vincent)

"Where am I going, and what am I doing in this handbasket?" --Ben (Pawson)

"Never drink anything. EVER. Even plain water has been up in the clouds, and you don't know what they do to it up there..." --The Et of Nonsense (DK)

"Alcohol is the anesthesia by which we endure the operation of life." --George Bernard Shaw (Pawson)

"Inflation is when you pay fifteen dollars for the ten-dollar haircut you used to get for five dollars when you had hair." --Sam Ewing  (Mona)

"Singing is the Ramen Noodle Soup of the music world; and any a**hole can make noodle soup." (Kosi)

"Being in bed alone is like trying to play a duet by yourself; doable, but much less fun." (Markus)
Hunterite Quotes