Interesting quotes from other online folks |
"And he's looking (and gesturing) at his mate's crotch area as though the poor man was growing a Weapon of Mass Destruction between his legs." --Bec "Only my past isn't really just suffers from bad lighting." --Marg "I'd give my left arm to be ambidextrous." --Prettz "See...4 is like a ninja. Slips right under the radar. it could kill you in your sleep, the way you fail to notice it! --Sean "The Murphy's Law Police are coming over to drop a bucket of Orange Flavored Milk on your keyboard." --Jason I LOVE QUOTES! They're just like little tidbits of knowledge that you just live your life by!--Morgan H. "He needs more incentive. Feed him aliens." --James "Purple jellyfish are eating my supply of Kirby cucumbers!" --Jason "I look dead. COOL!" --Yeli <|404notfound> when you play DDR, you're dancing with SATAN <|404notfound> unless, you know, you're doing two player <|404notfound> because then Satan doesn't have room to play (Caleb) |