watching the game, having a Bud
My Prospectus
Matthew Gray
Man's Best Friend
The right pet, for the right person.
Your target viewer or consumer is this group is...
     As   a pet store operator, the intended demographic is most likely young children   around 8 years old to teenagers; obviously those who want to buy a pet.  We carry pets that would appeal to   different personalities, but focus mainly on kids.
What does your company/ product provide the   consumer? Why is different from the competition?
    My   company ensures the right pet for the right person. Our employees guarantee   they try their best to find the right pet for you. We carry virtually any   type of pet a child would desire (within reason), different pets for   different personalities. We specialize in dogs, and the different breeds we   carry range from Chihuahua to Pit Bull. Unlike other pet stores, our   facilities our enormous, and the animals have plenty of room to move around.   Before our pets find a loving home, they receive the most highly-ranked pet   care in the province!
What design considerations will you use to make   your product/company effective with your target group?
    Our   design for flyers, poster, and business cards will be flashy, but not too   much for the eyes to handle. The flyers and posters would include several   pictures of satisfied children with their new pets, smiling and laughing as   they hold their new dog or rabbit. I would try and make designs that appeal   to kids or teens who would want a pet, and my business card would be fairly   simple. It would state the required information, have bit of a border or   background pattern, the logo, the motto, and that?s pretty much it.
     When creating my prospectus, I learned how to use an intended demograpic to chose a name, slogan, and symbol to appeal to the age group, race, or sex. Also, this prospectus helped me realize that in the business world, there is much competition between companies. If I were presenting this to a business man or woman, I would have to show them something that would be new, exciting, and appeal to who I am trying to appeal to.  My company must offer something that other rival companies do not, so that people would chose to shop at my store or company before any other company. In addition, not only did I learn about business and marketing and demographics, but also about the basic software of Ms Word. This was the first document I ever imported from Microsoft Word on to a web page. This was relatively difficult to do, but it was helpful and will most likely come into play again down the road.
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