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The Man Himself:
Brief Timeline
His Luxurious Estate
Other Interesting Gates Stuff
1) Brainy Quotes, Quotes Media - <http://www.brainyquotes.com/quotes/authors/b/a125748.html>

2) usnews.com - <http://www.usnews.com/usnews/nycu/tech/billgate/gates.htm>

3) A Man With a Vision, Stacey Reitz - <http://ei.cs.vt.edu/~history/Gates.html>

4) Bill Gates' Web Site, Microsoft Corp. - <http://www.microsoft.com/billgates/bio.asp>

5) America's Richest, Forbes Magazine. - <http://www.forbes.com/2002/09/13/rich400land.html>

6) Celebrity Mug Shot, Steve Bakeride. -<http://celeb_mugshots.com/ieu/gates.html>
  This was my first project of they year, and it was an excellent way start the course. In this project, I learned everything there is to know about creating, designing, and the basic construction of a website. When making this project, it was the first time I used text boxes, page effects, and links on a website. In addition, when creating this project, it was the first time I learned how to search the web for pictures, save them to my drive, and then upload them on to my website. Also, this was this project was the first time I uploaded something I created directly from Adobe on to the internet (the picture of Bill Gates with the dollar signs over his eyes). In addition to learning about web site building, I became aware of Murphy's Laws. I faced many problems when creaitng this web site (unable to save, mainly) and I am now aware something that can go wrong, will go wrong, and I must be prepared for this. Besides this, I also learned much about my project topic, Bill Gates. I gathered a lot of interesting information about Bill Gates that I did not know. It was an interesting project which I had fun making.