British Dispositions, 1857
This shows the state of affairs current to 1st January 1857, the year
of the Mutiny. Over the following year 5 new regiments of cavalry and 25
battalions of infantry were raised (creating additional infantry brigades at Aldershot
and Colchester, filling out some brigades lacking
battalions, but most importantly 24 more battalions were stationed in India,
so the Winchester and one of the
Dublin Brigades ceased). Note the lack of numberings, which is a deliberate
attempt at obfuscation.
The Mutiny
Units labelled in italics were sent to India
as reinforcements. The Aldershot Division, was sent
wholesale, the Dover Brigade went, an infantry and cavalry brigade was stripped
out of the Irish Corps and the Rifle Brigade was sent. Other support was on a
Battalion by Battalion basis.
Home Based Forces
Guards Division: 1/ Grenadier Guards, 3/ Grenadier Guards,
1/ Coldstream Guards, 1/ Scots Guards (all London),
2/ Coldstream Guards (Windsor) and 2/ Scots Guards (Aldershot)
Household Brigade: 1st Life Guards (Windsor), 2nd
Life Guards, Royal Horse Guards (both London)
Curragh Division: 1/1st,
18th, 38th, 51st, 56th
and 94th
Cavalry Brigade 1st Dragoons and 2nd
Dublin Division:
2/ Grenadier Guards, 4th, 33rd, 3/60th, 77th
and 95th
1st Cavalry Brigade: 2nd Dragoon
Guards, 3rd Dragoon Guards, 17th Lancers
2nd Cavalry Brigade: 8th Hussars
(Dundalk), 13th Light Dragoons (Cahir) and 16th Lancers (Kilkenny)
Aldershot Division: 7th,
17th, 19th, 23rd, 82nd,
88th and 90th
Cavalry Brigade: 3rd Light Dragoons (London)
and 7th Hussars (Aldershot)
Rifle Brigade: 1/ Rifle Brigade, 2/Rifle Brigade and
3/ Rifle Brigade (Winchester)
Southeastern Division
Shorncliffe Brigade: 41st,
44th and 49th, 6th Light Dragoons
Dover Brigade: 42nd
and 93rd (Dover),
and 79th (Canterbury)
Cavalry Brigade: 4th Light Dragoons (Brighton),
6th Light Dragoons (Shorncliffe) and 11th
Hussars (Canterbury)
Southern Division
Brigade: 20th, 22nd and 97th
Brigade: 54th (Devonport) and 66th (Plymouth)
Cavalry Brigade: 1st Dragoon Guards (Exeter)
and 15th Hussars (Dorchester)
Northern Division
Edinburgh: 34th,
5th Dragoon Guards
Manchester: 25th,
7th Dragoon Guards
Sheffield: 98th
Birmingham: 10th
(Forms an infantry brigade and cavalry brigade)
Guernsey: 72nd (Garrison)
Belfast: 50th
(Supporting Belfast District)
Cork: 99th
(Supporting Cork District)
Overseas Forces
Division (3 Brigades): 2/1st, 14th, 21st, 28th,
31st, 47th, 48th, 57th and 71st,
Royal Malta Fencibles
Gibraltar Division: 15th,
30th, 55th, 92nd and 96th
Corfu Brigade: 3rd, 46th
and 68th
South Africa:
Cape Division
(3 brigades): 2nd, 6th, 2/12th, 13th,
2/60th, 73rd, 80th, 85th and
89th, Cape Mounted Rifles
Australasia (and China):
New South Wales:
11th and 40th
Tasmania: 1/12th
New Zealand:
58th, 65th
Hong Kong: 59th
Bengal: 8th, 10th, 24th, 27th,
29th, 32nd, 35th, 52nd, 53rd,
1/60th, 61st, 70th, 75th, 81st
and 87th
Bengal Cavalry: 6th
Dragoon Guards, 9th Lancers
Madras: 43rd,
74th and 84th
Madras Cavalry:
12th Lancers
Bombay: 64th,
78th, 83rd and 86th
Bombay Cavalry:
14th Light Dragoons
37th, Ceylon
North America and West
Brigade: 16th, 17th and 39th, Royal Canadian
Nova Scotia
Brigade: 62nd, 63rd and 76th, Royal Newfoundland
1st West Indian, 3rd West Indian
Demerara: 2nd West Indian
Bermuda: 26th
Trinidad: 67th