To Drynachan's Den


This is Drynachan, our resident Dragon!
I've adopted him to be my website's mascot and also,
simply because I think he's the cutest thing in the world! Don't you?
Drynachan is from Sweden. He's only lived here in my castle for a few months
and I think he's all settled in.
He LOVES to have visitors!
Please be sure to visit him as often as you like!
As I come to know him more I'll write more and
more here to tell you about his personality,
habits, likes and dislikes along with a history of his background.
You can adopt a dragon too!
Just click the link at the bottom of the's that simple!
There you'll find many beautiful dragons of all colours and varieties!

Thanks for visiting Drynachan! Come again soon!
Please don't forget to sign his guestbook!