Name: Rita Maria Adler

Current Name: Rita Maria Adler-Everett

Spouse: Rick

Children: Galen(97), Alitzia(00)

College Attended: Regis University

Fairport, New York

After graduating in '83, I joined the Air Force.  I was stationed in Texas, Louisianna, and Colorado.  During this time I received my degree in International Business with a minor in Economics.  After seperating in 1990, I worked at and attended Georgetown University in Washington DC for my MBA while my husband attended Medical School.  This was followed by 4 years in very cold Rochester, Minnesota where I worked as a researcher for the Mayo (Clinic) Foundation.  Then came along my son, Galen and another move - another Rochester, this time in upstate New York.  We also have a daughter, Alitzia.  Currently I'm a very busy stay-at-home-mom.  We have been married since 1985.