Well.... it was a normal day! Or so I thought! I had been put on bedrest, and bored out of my mind! I started doing a cross stich the last week to help keep me busy. I drove myself to the dr on Sept 3rd for my weekly appt. I had a normal appt, my blood pressure was up, witch wasn't unusaul, had been rising for weeks... which is why I had been put on bed rest. Well.. OVER a  week earlier, I had my urine tested. WELL MR DR NEVER LOOKED AT THE RESULTS! (geez) and I was walking out, asking her if I could get this kid OUT of me, I was sick(a cold) and swollen SOOO bad! And I was one week away from my due date. She said no, we will wait til next week, and if he doesn't come by then, we will induce you. She said she was going to check the urine test results, since she never did, and then I could leave, well she looked, saw there was protein in my urine and said "ok we are going to induce you today" I want you at the hospital as soon as you can get there, they will be waiting for you! So I called Doug, whom flipped out assuming I was already in labor and had someone from work drive him to the dr's office! I was supposed to meet him at home, WHAT A NERD! LOL And then we drove home, finished packing up the little stuff, and also decided to take a shower too. The we went to the hospital. We got there at like 330. They started pitocin and the stuff to keep my blood pressure down at like 530. Nothing was really happening besides VERY mild contractions! So around 10 they were like, well, if nothing happens soon, you are going home! I WAS PISSED! I was like I came here for a baby and I want to leave with one! LOL but at like 1030, my water broke! I got HORRIBLE contractions after that, and got my epidural at like 11 or 12, I can't remember! Then things were great after that, except they said I couldn't eat, and I had NO energy to do anything unless I ate! I yelled and kept complaining, finally my dr let me have chicken soup and toast. And only a LITTLE came back up, and what stayed in gave me the strenth to finish with this labor! I think I started pushing around 730, saying I couldn't do it, but being told I could! And at 9:37, out he popped! I wanted to see his head comming out, but nobody went and got the mirror for me! Tyler came out perfect! Not discolor, besides blood, no misshappen head, NOTHING! He was so beautiful! Doug got to hold him first, and I WANTED HIM! LOL Doug watched the whole thing and was SOOOO encouraging! And he didn't faint either! He even cut the cord! I was sooo out of it from all the drugs I was on, that I really can't remember the first 12 hours, besides how happy I was that he was here! I cuddled with him most of the time, Doug slept, A LOT! LOL And I barely slept at all, I was SOOO Happy he was there!Then everytime I almost fell asleep, someone would come visit! He NEVER left my room! I couldn't let them take him, I guess I was affraid, part of me, that he wouldn't come back! I couldn't eat for 8 hours afterwards, but let me tell you, when they OK'd me to eat, I didn't stop for like an hour! Had like 2 bagels, some soup, fruit, sandwich! I was going NUTS! I was so hungry! Labor wasn't half as bad as I thought it would be.... It was VERY worth what came out! I have NEVER been happier and can't wait to do it again.