Hi Everyone... My name is Tyler Jon. I was born on September 4th, 1999. I live with my mommy, my daddy and our two cats, Sammy and Alley, and now a bunny named Boomer that was Aunt Jills but now I have him.  I LOVE my mommy a lot. I constantly make her hold and cuddle me, especially when I don't feel good. She buzzed all my hair off a few months ago when I got head lice and now I am always cuddling with her so I can twirl her hair since she took mine away. Mom is always yelling at Dad about his Language. Wonder what that means? Oh well. HE HE HE. My favorite things to do is get into anything I can..Play with EVERYTHING I am not suppose to, go outside, make lots of noise, and make people laugh!I learned to sit up at about 5 months old.  I started crawling when I was almost 8 months old, and started standing a few days later... on EVERYTHING! A week later I was crusing around the furniture! Then at 10 months I started to let go. I've entered the terrible twos with a passion mommy says. I am always laying down and kicking and screaming when I don't get my way. Mommy doesn't like it, she says it is a temper tantrum and she's not gonna listen til I stop. I can say ALL words now and copy everything I hear,  I always say what is on my mind too! I can count to ten, hold up fingers and count, know all my shapes and colors, can say the alphabet (but only when I want to!) I love Trucks, Airplanes, Hellicopters and buses, dinosaurs, water and being outside! I hear something about me being a brother somtime soon. What is a brother? Mom and Dad seems pretty happy about it... So how bad could it be? Oh yeah, my daddy! I LOVE my daddy! He is fun to play with and lets me have ALL kinds of stuff that mom doesn't, like the phone, and TV  remote, atlhought he is pretty stingie with that one! He watches TV and sleeps a lot... Mom says it is cause he works hard. So I try to be a good boy for him, but sometimes I NEED HIS ATTENTION! So I yell at him, or jump up on his lap and start talking about everything, and then he starts tickling me. Well that is all I can think to tell you guys! But email my mom with any questions and I will get back to you! BYE GUYS!