Keep some souvenirs of your past, or how will you ever prove it wasn't all a dream?
--Ashleigh Brilliant
I remember being in second grade - I guess it was 1990? I remember having  a T-shirt that advertised that I would be part of the Class of 2000. And I remember thinking that the year 2000 would never arrive.

But it did arrive. And that was four years ago and sometimes I barely remember it at all.

My how time flies, though. Now it's about to be 2005. I'm usually not a person to get all sentimental about the past, but I like the New Year's holiday. I think it gives us a chance to look at everything we did over the past 365 days and begin anew - a whole new year that we haven't screwed up...yet :). .

Here's my online scrapbook of 2004. Another Ashleigh Brilliant quote: "Enjoy yourself. These are the good old days you're going to miss in the years ahead."
July - Moved into new apartment - believe me, it's not this clean now!
February - Had a HEINOUS car accident on February 6th. Went to see the Harlem Globetrotters on February 12. Finally got my car back from the body shop on the 24th.
January - Started my final year at TTU. Classes I took: Nonverbal Communications, Communication in Relationships, Rhetoric in Western Thought, and Issues in Composition.
August - Went to Waco with Luke, finally got to visit my dad's new(ish) house
May - Went to Albuquerque with Luke, Duane & Ely. We ate too much, stayed up too late, spent too much money, and had TOO MUCH FUN!
April - celebrated my dad's 50th birthday on April 4th. Got to spend some quality time with the family on Easter weekend.
August - Celebrated my 22nd Birthday, started my FINAL SEMESTER at TTU
March - celebrated my final spring break by partying like a rock star with Luke, Mel and AJ. Didn't travel anywhere but still had a great time.
June - Went to see Herman (aka Zareta Raven) at his show at Luxor. Started my summer school class: Diet and Exercise
May - went to Albuquerque with Duane, Ely, and Luke and some other friends. My cousin graduated on May 15th from TTU
December - Graduated TTU on December 18, 2004. Here's a picture of Luke bringing my my red honor cords that I forgot!
July - Celebrated July 4th by going to the fireworks at Fourth on Broadway with Luke, Duane, Ely, and Niki. Moved into the new apartment on July 7-8, and then went to the lake the following weekend. Luke turned 23 on July 13th, and Melanie and Jackie celebrated their birthdays that week too.
August - (continued) also got my CUTE PUPPY and started my website
September - celebrated mom's birthday and Kim's birthday. (Kim turned 20; mom - well, take my word for it - she's just OLD!) Went to several TTU football games, including the games against TCU and Nebraska where we racked up 70 points each game! HA! My cousin Jessica got married to Brady on September 25.
December - Christmas - got several really cool things & spent a lot of time with my family. Here's the fondue set my mom gave me.
August - Went to Waco with Luke & visited my dad. Celebrated my birthday on August 21 by partying like a rock star at The Library. Started classes - my final semester at TTU - on August 30. Classes I took: Walking (BORING), Persuasion & Social Movements, Modern & Contemporary British Literature, Communication in Organizations, and Senior Seminar in English.
April - In my Composition class, we had to create an Illuminated Manuscript using paint, markers, stickers, etc, on RABBIT SKIN! I illuminated "Desiderata" by Max Ehrmann.
October - not a whole lot happened, "worked" and "schooled" like always. Got to go to some more TTU games. Went to the UT game on 10/23 which was mad fun. At Tech, all students have "tickets" to all the athletic events, but of course not everyone can fit, so it's "first come first served." We started standing in line at 2:30pm for the game, which started at 6pm.
November - celebrated Thanksgiving (two times, actually!) Was presented with my TTU college ring on November 30. Mom had surgery, but she passed with flying colors!
November - here's a picture of my Tech ring.
DECEMBER! The end! Graduated from Tech on December 18th. Celebrated Christmas on December 19th. Interviewed on December 20th for a job (fingers crossed!) Celebrated Christmas again on December 24th & 25th. And now it's New Year's Eve! Hope the next year is as fun as this one was!