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Welcome to Hogwarts
I have fallen under the spell of JK Rowling and her magical, made-up world. I spend hours and hours online searching the internet for Harry Potter movie/book/website updates like a crack fiend. It's an addiction. Here are links to some of my favorite sites...
MuggleNet -- I found this site by accident, but it's sooooo good and so useful for HP freaks like me. It's now my homepage.

JKRowling.com -- This is JKR's official website. It's done all in "flash" and has lots of goodies to find. It works best if you have high-speed, but you can certainly get around in it in dial-up.

The Lexicon -- It really doesn't need any more name than that...it's THE Lexicon. Here you can find detailed information about the Harry Potter books, including characters, spells, theories, myths, FAQ's, real-time time lines, etc etc etc. It goes on for days. Really useful.
Look for me at HPANA - I'm "siriuspotterfan"
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