The word "Witchcraft" means "Craft of the Wise Ones" so to me the word "Witch" means "Wise One" for after all a Witch has to be wise in the knowledge of a number of things whilst walking this path. A knowledge of Plants, Herbs, Incense but to name a few. In early times "The Witch" was the local Lawyer, Psychiatrist, and Doctor. The herbal practices of Witches are now thought to be the fore runner for modern medicine. Witches do NOT worship or believe in Satan. This in my mind was a false hood proporgated by the Christian Church (as with many of the misconceptions belived by everday people regarding Witches, I know I was one!). The Christian Church took two of our Gods, The Horned God who is seen in the Woodlands the Sun, the Grain and the Hunt along With Pan the God of Music and Joy and created the myth and vision of the Devil. You only have to look at peoples visons and artistic impressions of these Gods to see how this was done and how together they form the general acceptance of appearance of one known as Satan. Because of the worship of these two Gods, in the early times many innocents were burned, hung and drowned all in the name of the Christian Church. Another misconception is that male Withces are known as "Warlocks" this is a Scottish term meaning "Oath Breaker" or "Traitor". A male Witch is a "Witch" call one a Warlock at your own peril! For me the meaning of "Witch" is summed up in this poem: To Be A Witch author unknown To be a Witch is to love and be loved. To be a Witch is to know everything and nothing at all. To be a Witch is to change the world around you and your self. To be a Witch is to share and give, while receiving all the while. To be a Witch is to dance and sing and hold hands with the universe. To be a Witch is to honour the Gods and yourself. To be a Witch is to be Magick, not just perform it. To be a Witch is be honourable or nothing at all. To be a Witch is to accept others who are not. To be a Witch is to know what you feel is right and good. To be a Witch is to harm none. To be a Witch is to know the ways of the old. To be a Witch is to see beyond the barriers. To be a Witch is to follow the moon. To be a Witch is to be one with the gods. To be a Witch is to study and learn. To be a Witch is to be the teacher and the student. To be a Witch is to acknowledge the truth. To be a Witch is to live with the Earth and not just in it. To be a Witch is to be truly free! |