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What is a Witch?  There are probably as many different answers to this as there are witches.

A witch is a person who perceives vividly the connection between all aspects of life.  witches do not see spirit and matter as seperate.  We worship nature in stream and stone, plants, animals and people.

Witches are also aware of unseen natural energies, which we use in our spellworkings.  Herbs, colours, symbols - all these have properties that we make use of, mostly to help heal.

Witches are not the old hags depicted in childrens stories or films of old.  We do not wear tall hats or ride Broomsticks (well not all the time!).  The hat idea may come from the "cone of power" that we raise for rituals and spellworks and the broomstick is a symbol of fertility (see History of the Broomstick on this site).

What do Witches believe in?  Witches do not believe as such, as say Xtiens or other religions might, no acts of faith or dogma are performed.  To a witch the Goddess and the God are just there, like the land, sky and seas.  Earth represents the body of the Goddess whilst the God is the life force that impregnates her.  Both the Goddess and the God are within each of us .

People are surpised to find that Witchcraft is a religion, but you can't be aware of spritual realms and not be religious.  The witches religion is free and unstructured; with no dogma.  Witches do not believe that their way is the one and only right way for everyone - they merely feel it is right for them.

Above all, life and the forces of nature are sacred.

If you are not Pagan, Wiccan or Witch I hope you have found these two pages of information helpful and eye opening and perhaps together we can dispell the very outdated and some what false idea of a witch that society still holds.  May I also encourage you to look at more Pagan and Witch sites some of which I have listed on my links page.