MOMS Club of Little Rock is pleased to offer weekly playgroups for members and their children!

Playgroups are a great way:

       For children to learn social skills, such as sharing, taking turns, and role-playing;

       For at-home moms to get out, meet and make new friends;

       To exchange information about parenting and child development issues, such
       as nutrition, napping, parental sleep deprivation (!), schools, and more!

MOMS Club of Little Rock

Playgroup meets weekly on Wednesday at 10 AM. 

Responsibility for setting up playgroup rotates between members.  The mom in charge of that week's playgroup calls or emails the other moms in her group to let them know the place to meet.  Playgroups can meet anywhere - a member's home, a park, a restaurant, the library, the zoo, etc.  
(When meeting in a member's private home, the member is responsible for ensuring that her home is appropriately childproofed.)

Please note that all playgroup members must be curent on their dues. 

Playgroup is one of the best things about MOMS Club!

If you have any questions about playgroup, or to join one,
email MOMS Club or call us at 772-2563. 


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MOMS ClubŪ of Little Rock, Arkansas
moms offering moms support