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States included on this page are: Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri |
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MAINE CUMBERLAND COUNTY 1870 ME, Cumberland County, Portland Ward-1, pg 451 Norman M Littleton, 46,m,w,VT,Carpenter,v.R/E $1,000,v.pers $200 Mary, 38,f,w,IRE James M, 20,m,w,VT,Carpenter Martha F LITTLETON, 83,f,w,VT YORK COUNTY 1870 ME, York County, Biddeford, pg 169 John Lilliston, 46,m,w,VA,Works in cotton mills Sarrah J, 36,f,wVA Robert B, 16,m,w,VA,Works in Machman shop Anna V, 15,f,w,VA,Works in Cotton mill Thomas M, 12,m,w,VA |
MARYLAND BALTIMORE COUNTY 1870 MD, Baltimore County, Baltimore Ward-14, pg 560 Anna Littleton, 30,f,w,VA,v.pers $3,000 Harriet, 25,f,w,VA Drusilla, 22,f,w,VA DORCHESTER COUNTY 1870 MD, Dorchester County, Cambridge, pg 349 William Littleton, 68,m,w,MD,Harness maker,v.pers $100 1870 MD, Dorchester County, Cambridge, pg 354B William Littleton, 54,m,w,MD,Merchant Tailor,v.R/E $1000,v.pers $800 Ann S, 53,f,wMD Charles L, 23,m,w,MD,Tailor,v.pers $200 William C, 11,m,w,MD 1870 MD, Dorchester County, District 2, pg 228 William J Littleton, 34,m,w,MD,Miller,v.R/E $600,v.pers $100 Elizabeth, 32,f,w,MD Anna, 11,f,w,MD William, 9,m,w,MD George, 8,m,w,MD Lewis E, 4,m,w,MD SOMERSET COUNTY 1870 MD, Somerset County, Lawsons, pg 380B Charles H Littleton, 41,m,w,VA,Minister of the Gospel,v.pers $500 Sarah E, 43,f,w,MD Charles W, 11,m,w,PA William L, 10,m,w,MD Amanda C, 8,f,w,MD Howard H, 4,m,w,MD ST MARYS COUNTY 1870 MD, St Marys County, District 5, pg 642B Charles Lilliston, 17,m,w,VA Enumerated with Edward Briscoe - Haching scool TALBOT COUNTY 1870 MD, Talbot County, Easton, pg 41B James Littleton, 24,m,w,DE,Works on Rail Road Enumerated with Henry Comey - Works on Rail Road WICOMICO COUNTY 1870 MD, Wicomico County, Dennis, pg 552 Gattie Littleton, 50,f,w,MD Jane, 8,f,w,MD 1870 MD, Wicomico County, Dennis, pg 552 Handy Littleton, 33,m,w,MD,Farmer Zipporah, 20,f,w,MD Sarah, 1,f,w,MD 1870 MD, Wicomico County, Dennis, pg 552B Minos Smith, 36,m,w,MD,Day laborer Nancy, 25,f,w,MD Betsy LITTLETON, 60,f,w,MD Lodawick LITTLETON, 20,m,w,MD,Day laborer 1870 MD, Wicomico County, Dennis, pg 552B William Littleton, 34,m,w,MD,Day laborer Mollie, 40,f,w,MD 1870 MD, Wicomico County, Dennis, pg 553 Asa S Littleton, 45,m,w,MD,Farmer Nancy, 40,f,w,MD Mary, 20,f,w,MD Elexine, 18,f,w,MD Isaac H, 15,m,w,MD,Day laborer Levin, 13,m,w,MD,Day laborer Laura, 11,f,w,MD 1870 MD, Wicomico County, Dennis, pg 555 Jas C Littleton, 22,m,w,MD,Farmer Laura A, 24,f,w,MD 1870 MD, Wicomico County, Dennis, pg 555B Isaac Purnell, 60,m,w,MD,Farmer,v.pers $150 Sallie, 56,f,w,MD George, 15,m,w,MD,Works on farm Augusta Stephenson, 5,m,w, Margaret Purnell, 30,f,w,MD,Domestic servant Mary H, 1,f,w,MD Irving LITTLETON, 14,m,w,MD,Day laborer 1870 MD, Wicomico County, Dennis, pg 556B Edmond Littleton, 40,m,w,MD,Farmer Ann, 32,f,w,MD Thos G, 15,m,w,MD,Works on farm Emma, 13,f,w,MD Breckenridge, 10,m,w,MD Archibald, 20,m,w,MD,Works on farm 1870 MD, Wicomico County, Dennis, pg 559 Jno S Warren, 42,m,w,MD,Farmer,v.R/E $4000,v.pers $700 Martha, 39,f,w,MD Margaret, 14,f,w,MD Jno W, 10,m,w,MD Edward H, 7,m,w,MD Wash Lee, 4,m,w,MD Turner LITTLETON, 21,m,w,MD,Works on farm 1870 MD, Wicomico County, Pittsburg, pg 525B Alfred Beatten, 50,m,w,MD,Farmer,v.pers $500 Milley, 42,f,w,MD Washington, 17,m,w,MD,Works on farm Mary, 10f,w,MD Charles LITTLETON, 21,m,w,MD,Works on farm 1870 MD, Wicomico County, Pittsburg, pg 527 Martha C Lewis, 42,f,w,MD,v.pers $300 Amanda V, 9,f,w,MD Geo W, 7,m,w,MD Ana B, 5,f,w,MD Hiram J, 2,m,w,MD M J LITTLETON, 21,f,w,MD,Domestic servant Covington, 12,m,w,MD Caleb Powell, 46,m,w,MD,Shoe maker,v.pers $100 1870 MD, Wicomico County, Pittsburg, pg 527B Jesse B Littleton, 24,m,w,MD,Farmer,v.pers $100 Charlotte E, 20,f,w,MD Sallie M, 2,f,w,MD Thomas, 2/12,m,w,MD (b Apr) Hester Clark, 20,f,w,MD,Domestic servant George Morris, 9,m,w,MD,Works on farm 1870 MD, Wicomico County, Pittsburg, pg 527B Thos Littleton (of E) 65,m,w,MD,Farmer,v.R/E $3000,v.pers $1000 Adeline, 30,f,w,MD Hettie A, 33,f,w,MD Asbury, 21,m,w,MD,Works on farm Rozena, 18,f,w,MD Nancy E, 12,f,w,MD Maria LITTLETON, 7,f,b,MD 1870 MD, Wicomico County, Pittsburg, pg 527B James Littleton, 47,m,w,MD,Farmer,v.R/E $700,v.pers $300 Clarrissa, 40,f,w,MD Clarissa, 5,f,w,MD Sallie J, 3,f,w,MD Matilda, 18,f,w,MD Sallie LITTLETON, 70,f,w,MD 1870 MD, Wicomico County, Pittsburg, pg 527B James Jarman, 35,m,w,MD,Farmer,v.R/E $600,v.pers $150 Priscialla, 33,f,w,MD Riley LITTLETON, 13,m,w,MD 1870 MD, Wicomico County, Pittsburg, pg 533 Jno S Littleton, 25,m,w,MD,Day laborer Lavinia E, 16,f,w,MD 1870 MD, Wicomico County, Pittsburg, pg 533 Thomas Littleton, 55,m,w,MD,Farmer Henny, 40,f,w,MD Irving, 28,m,w,MD,Works on farm Henry, 16,m,w,MD,Works on farm Lizzie, 12,f,w,MD Amanda, 6,f,w,MD Emma, 2,f,w,MD 1870 MD, Wicomico County, Pittsburg, pg 549 Levin Littleton, 35,m,w,MD,Farmer Sallie, 24,f,w,MD Mary A, 2,f,w,MD Molly Shockley, 70,f,w,MD WORCESTER COUNTY 1870 MD, Worcester County, Berlin, pg 753B John H Littleton, 41,m,w,MD,Farmer,v.pers $75 Elizabeth, 30,f,w,MD Albert J, 12,m,w,MD Minos, 10,m,w,MD Levin, 8,m,w,MD 1870 MD, Worcester County, Berlin, pg 755B Lemuel Littleton, 55,m,w,MD,Farmer,v.pers $100 Rebecca Littleton, 57,f,w,MD Nancy C, 22,f,w,MD Zedok, 19,m,w,MD 1870 MD, Worcester County, District 6, pg 824 Isaac Littleton, 34,m,w,MD,Farmer,v.pers $100 Sally, 25,f,w,MD Nancy, 3,f,w,MD Sally, 3/12,f,w,MD (b Apr) Matilda LITTLETON, 19,f,w,MD,Domestic |
MASSACHUSETTS BRISTOL COUNTY 1870 MA, Bristol County, Taunton Ward-3, pg 480 Susan Littleton, 67,f,w,IRE John Nogan, 35,m,w,Laborer,MA Margaret LETTLETON, 26,f,w, MA William, 16,m,w,Laborer,MA ESSEX COUNTY 1870 MA, Essex County, Marblehead, pg 803 Chas F Littleton, 40,m,w,VT,Fisherman,v.pers $100 Nellie, 37,f,w,MA MIDDLESEX COUNTY 1870 MA, Middlesex County, Lowell Ward-3, pg 4B Rosetta Lilliston, 45,f,w,MA,Dress maker Leroy, 15,m,w,MA Enumearted with Sophia Maynard - Keeps boarders 1870 MA, Middlesex County, Woburn, pg 521B Sibinie Littleton, 20,f,w,IRE,Servant Enumerated with John Cucking - No occupation NORFOLK COUNTY 1870 MA, Norfolk County, Stoughton, pg 251 Patrick Littleton, 45,m,w,IRE,Works in Shvel Factory,v.R/E $1800 Ann K, 37,f,w,IRE Stephen, 15,m,w,MA Catherine, 12,f,w,MA Bridget, 10,f,w,MA Margaret F, 6,f,w,MA Thomas F, 4,m,w,MA Sarah, 7/12,f,w,MA SUFFOLK COUNTY 1870 MA, Suffolk County, Boston Ward-7, pg 425B Frank Littleton, 22,m,w,ME,House Carpenter Enumerated with Martha Mitchell - Boarding house 1870 MA, Suffolk County, Boston Ward-8, pg 49 James A Littleton, 20,m,w,VT,Works for a confectional Enumearted with Thomas W Altaued - Engraver 1870 MA, Suffolk County, Boston Ward-14, pg 142B Henry W Littleton, 55,m,w,VT,Works at Carpentering Clara E, 46,f,wVT Clarence A, 15,m,w,MA Geo W F Simpson, 23,m,w,MA,Machinist Mary J, 25,f,w,VT Fred K, 1,m,w,MA WORCESTER COUNTY 1870 MA, Worcester County, Rutland, pg 249 Stephen Littleton, 39,m,w,IRE,Farmer,v.R/E $3500,v.pers $850 Catherine, 41,f,w,IRE John, 14,m,w,MA James, 13,m,w,MA Katy C, 10,f,w,MA Anna, 8,f,w,MA Susan, 7,f,w,MA Stephen, 1,m,w,MA 1870 MA, Worcester County, Worcester Ward-4, pg 184B Patrick Littleton, 38,m,w,IRE,Works in Rolling mill Bridget, 28,f,w,IRE Bridget, 16,f,w,MA,Works in confectionary store John, 14,m,w,MA,Works in Telegraph office Mary, 12,f,w,MA Elizabeth, 1,f,w,MA 1870 MA, Worcester County, Worcester Ward-4, pg 190B (blank) Littleton, 21,m,w,IRE,Laborer Enumerated with Mathew Dorsey - Laborer 1870 MA, Worcester County, Worcester Ward-5 pg 310B Mary Littleton, 35,f,w,IRE Anna, 5,f,w,MA Elizabeth, 1,f,w,MA Lizzie Naley, 16,f,w,MA |
MICHIGAN BERRIEN COUNTY 1870 MI, Berrien County, Lincoln, pg 224B Willis Littleton, 40,m,b,KY,Laborer,v.pers $300 Harriet, 36,f,b,KY Laura, 9,f,b,MI Mary, 1,f,b,MI WAYNE COUNTY 1870 MI, Wayne County, Canton, pg 28B Henry Littleton, 56,m,w,ENG,Farmer,v.R/E $6000,v.pers $1200 Frances, 33,f,w,ENG Oliver Littleton, 24,m,w,MI,Farm laborer Alfred Littleton, 22,m,w,MI,Farm laborer Dina, 20,f,w,MI Hannah, 18,f,w,MI Annie, 15,f,w,MI Georgie, 8,m,w,MI Nettie, 6,f,w,MI Lottie, 4,f,w,MI Robert 1,m,w,MI 1870 MI, Wayne County, Detroit Ward-5, pg 313 Wm Littleton, 29,m,w,CAN,Sailor,v.R/E $3000,v.pers $400 Jane, 27,f,w,MI Jennie, 5,f,w,MI George, 4,m,w,MI John, 2/12,m,w,MI (b Apr) |
MINNESOTA RICE COUNTY 1870 MN, Rice County, Wheatland, pg 644 Patrick Littleton, 47,m,w,IRE,Farmer,v.R/E $800,v.pers $600 Ellen, 33,f,w,IRE Thomas, 11,m,w,MN Catharine, 8,f,w,MN William, 6,m,w,MN John, 3,m,w,MN Ella, 2,f,w,MN |
MISSISSIPPI ADAMS COUNTY 1870 MS, Adams County, Natchez, pg 44 Hiram Lyttleton, 45,m,b,MS,Plasterer Hannah, 45,f,b,MS Laura J WHITE, 21,f,b,MS William T BLAKE, 22,m,b,MS,Printer NOTE :Census take 27 July 1870 1870 MS, Adams County, Natchez, pg 95 Hiram Littleton, 47,m,mu,MS,Plasterer Hannah, 45,f,b,MS Laura J WHITE, 21,f,b,MS Wm T BLAKE, 22,m,b,MS,Printer NOTE: Census taken 13 August 1870 1870 MS, Adams County, Natchez, pg 107 Hiram Lyttleton, 38,m,b,MS,Plasterer Hannah, 40,f,b,MS,Laundress Laura J WHITE, 21,f,b,MS,Laborer William BLAKE, 27,m,b,MS,Printer Henry WILLIAMS, 27,m,b,MS,Plasterer NOTE: Census taken 18 August 1870 1870 MS, Adams County, Natchez PO, pg 167B Hiram Lyttleton, 45,m,b,Plasterer Hannah, 45,f,b,MS,MS Laura J WHITE, 21,f,b,MS William T BLAKE, 21,m,b,MS,Printer NOTE: Census taken 27 June 1870 LOL…By gingo’s I think they got this family…This is clearly the same person He was enumerated 4 times Look at the difference in ages thru all of them So you wonder if they were only taken once what the outcome would have been So many errors were given, or taken when census records were being recorded…just be aware of this when you look at others ATTALA COUNTY 1870 MS, Attala County, Kosciusko PO, pg 55 John Liddleton, 60,m,w,GA,Farming,v.R/E $260,v.pers $565 J, 45,f,w,GA M, 22,f,w,GA N, 20,f,w,GA E, 19,f,w,GA M, 15,m,w,MS,Works on farm W, 15,m,w,MS,Works on farm L, 13,f,w,MS L, 11,f,w,MS Y, 7,m,w,MS J, 4,f,w,MS J LITTLETON 24,m,w,GA,Works on Farm 1870 MS, Attala County, Beat 4 Kosciusko PO, pg 106 J J Littleton, 24,m,w,GA,Farmer,v.R/E $160 M A, 22,f,w,MS H O, 1,m,w,MS CARROLL COUNTY 1870 MS, Carroll County, Township 18 Range 3 Carrollton PO, pg 536 Isaac Littleton, 26,m,w,GA,Farmer,v.pers $200 Mary, 24,f,w,MS Camela, 3,f,w,MS Ann, 1,f,w,MS William LANG, 10,m,w,MS,Works on farm 1870 MS, Carroll County, Township 18 Range 4 E Carrollton PO, pg 551 Anderson Littleton, 50,m,w,GA,Farmer,v.pers $100 Adaline, 50,f,w,GA Mary, 12,f,w,MS Charles, 8,m,w,MS COPIAH COUNTY 1870 MS, Copiah County, Townships 9 & 10 East of RR Beauregard PO, pg 256 William Littleton, 48,m,w,GA,Farmer,v.R/E $400,v.pers $200 Permelia, 39,f,w,MS Liddy A, 18,f,w,MS Mary E, 14,f,w,MS Martha M, 12,f,w,MS Winney O, 10,f,w,MS Harriet, 6,f,w,MS William, 3,m,w,MS Sarah F, 9/12,f,w,MS (b Sep) DESOTO COUNTY 1870 MS, DeSoto County, Township 5 Range 8, pg 358 John Baylor, 28,m,b,VA,Farmer William, 17,m,b,VA,Farmer Wm J, 12,m,b,MS Mary LITTLETON, 35,f,b,VA,Farm laborer HANCOCK COUNTY 1870 MS, Hancock County, Township 2 Gainesville PO, pg 296 Henry Littleton, 45,m,b,FL Emerline, 34,f,b,MS Betsy, 17,f,b,MS Mary, 6,f,b,MS Oliviore, 5,f,b,MS Delilah, 4,f,b,MS ITAWAMBA COUNTY 1870 MS, Itawamba County, Township 11, pg 409 Southey Littleton, 68,m,w,GA,Farmer,v.R/E $100,v.pers $100 Rebecca, 52,f,w,GA Sallie, 22,f,w,GA Marthena, 18,f,w,AL JEFFERSON COUNTY 1870 MS, Jefferson County, Township 8 Union Church PO, pg 23 Thos Littleton, 40,m,b,VA,Farmer & Blacksmith,v.pers $450 Frances, 41,f,b,MD,Cook Martha Ann, 17,f,b,MS,Farm labor Green, 15,m,b,MS,Farm labor Emeline, 13,f,b,MS,Farm labor Catherine, 10,f,b,MS,Farm labor James M, 8,m,b,MS,Farm labor Elizabeth, 6,f,b,MS Mary Jane, 3,f,b,MS Infant, 6/12,m,b,MS (b Jan) 1870 MS, Jefferson County, Township 9 Fayette PO, pg 165 Edward Littleton, 34,m,b,MS,Farm labor Marie, 34,f,b,MS,Farm labor George, 12,m,b,MS Houston, 19,m,b,MS,Farm laborer Note: Indexed as Sutleton LAFAYETTE COUNTY 1870 MS, Lafayette County, Township 9, pg 536 Chas Littleton, 40,m,w,AL,Farmer,v.pers $300 M E, 36,f,w,AL S J, 12,f,w,AL A F, 11,m,w,AL M F, 8,f,w,AL N E, 7,f,w,MS C J, 6,m,w,MS S A, 5,m,w,MS J A, 3,m,w,MS No name, 2/12,f,w,MS (b Apr) LAUDERDALE COUNTY 1870 MS, Lauderdale County, Township 5 Enterprise PO, pg 18 Thomas Littleton, 29,m,w,AL,Farm laborer Caroline, 35,f,w,AL Margaret VAUGHN, 40,f,b,MS,Farm laborer Robert, 2,m,b,MS LOWNDES COUNTY 1870 MS, Lowndes County, District 1 Columbus PO, pg 146 Nat Littleton, 50,m,b,TN,Farm laborer Corinna, 43,f,b,TN,Farm laborer Mary, 16,f,b,MS,Farm laborer Charles, 10,m,b,MS,Farm laborer Nat, 2,m,b,MS 1870 MS, Lowndes County, District 1 Columbus PO, pg 153 G Littleton, 37,m,w,TN,Farmer,v.R/E $1,200,v.pers $330 Reubin, 32,m,w,MS Ianette, 33,f,w,TN 1870 MS, Lowndes County, District 2 Columbus PO, pg 179 Aggie Littleton, 60,f,b,TN,Domestic servant 1870 MS, Lowndes County, District 2 Columbus PO, pg 179 Joe Littleton, 20,m,b,MS,Farm laborer 1870 MS, Lowndes County, Columbus, pg 254 Ed Littleton, 25,m,mu,MS,Laborer Rose, 25,f,mu,MS,Seamstress 1870 MS, Lowndes County, Township 16 West Point PO, pg 294 Josiah Yates, 40,m,w,TN,Ferry man Susan, 38,f,w,TN,v.R/E $1,000,v.pers $3,000 Mollie, 5,f,w,TN Alice, 3,f,w,TN Montie LITTLETON, 19,m,w,TN Ada LITTLETON, 16,f,w,TN 1870 MS, Lowndes County, Township 17 Crawfordsville PO, pg 366 Lewis Littleton, 28,m,b,MS,Farm laborer Elias, 14,m,b,MS,Farm laborer Serella, 13,f,b,MS,Farm laborer Delaware, 12,f,b,MS,Farm laborer Wash, 10,m,b,MS,Farm laborer MADISON COUNTY 1870 MS, Madison County, District 2 Vernon PO, pg 74 Daniel Littleton 43,m,b,SC,Farm laborer,v.pers $175 Maria, 35,f,b,VA,Farm laborer Eastor, 11,f,b,MS Berry, 9,m,b,MS Della, 2,f,b,MS MARSHALL COUNTY 1870 MS, Marshall County, Township 5 Range 3 Holly Springs PO, pg 424 Lea Lettleton, 20,m,b,SC,Farmer Georgianne, 16,f,b,MS 1870 MS, Marshall County, Holly Springs PO, pg 426 William Littleton, 24,m,mu,MS,Farmer Lucinda, 20,f,b,MS Isbel A, 20,m,mu,MS,Farmer Carmelia, 21,f,b,MS MONROE COUNTY 1870 MS, Monroe County, Aberdeen PO, pg 166 Ben Littleton, 27,m,b,MS,Farm labor Nancy, 23,f,b,MS Vina, 19,f,b,MS Travis LITTLETON, 60,m,mu,VA PANOLA COUNTY 1870 MS, Panola County, District 3 Long Creek PO, pg 12 J Littleton, 44,m,w,MS,Farmer Mary, 30,f,w,MS Mollie, 13,f,w,AL Carrie, 11,f,w,TN John, 8,m,w,TN 1870 MS, Panola County, District 3 Long Creek PO, pg 12 Jordon Littleton, 45,m,b,MS Silvias, 45,f,b,MS Anderson, 18,m,b,MS Asbury, 16,m,b,MS John, 14,m,b,MS Elvira, 12,f,b,MS Resonare, 10,f,b,MS Andrew LITTLETON, 40,m,b,MS 1870 MS, Panola County, District 3 Long Creek PO, pg 25 Peter Vaughn, 70,m,b,MS,Farmer Bob LITTLETON, 37,m,b,MS,Farmer Geneva, 20,f,w,MS PERRY COUNTY 1870 MS, Perry County, Leaf River, pg 13 #259 Natl Lee, 62,m,w,GA,Farmer,v.R/E $100,v.pers $750 Martha, 23,f,w,MS Richard, 5,m,w,MS Sallie, 4,f,w,MS Ulalta, 3,f,w,MS #260 James LITTLETON, 22,m,w,AL,Farmer TIPPAH COUNTY 1870 MS, Tippah County, Township 2 Range 1, pg 12 Will Littleton, 25,m,b,GA,Farmer Sarah A, 24,f,b,AL Elizabeth, 3,f,b,MS Lucy Ann, 1,f,b,MS Herry ATKINS, 19,m,w,MS 1870 MS, Tippah County, Township 2 Range 1, pg 12 L L Littleton, 46,f,w,TN,v.R/E $3,780,v.pers $2,910 1870 MS, Tippah County, Township 2 Range 1, pg 12 Sam B Littleton, 17,m,w,MS H R, 13,m,w,MS Dave LITTLETON, 13,m,b,MS,Domestic servant 1870 MS, Tippah County, Township 2 Range 1, pg 13 John Littleton, 27,m,w,MS,Farmer,v.R/E $600,v.pers $1,000 S E, 18,f,w,NC TUNICA COUNTY 1870 MS, Tunica County, Austin District 3, pg 54 John Littleton, 23,m,b,KY,Farm laborer Elizabeth, 20,f,b,MS Mary WEST, 17,f,b,MS YALOBUSHA COUNTY 1870 MS, Yalobusha County, Township 24 Coffeeville PO, pg 81 Eli Taylor, 44,m,w,MA,Farmer,v.R/E $1,500,v.pers $250 Rutha A, 40,f,w, AL Louisa W, 16,f,w,MS Wm J, 14,m,w,MS Edward S, 11,m,w,MS Annie R, 9,f,w,MS Amanda, 7,f,w,MS Mary Jane, 5,f,w,MS Nancy S, 2,f,w,MS Mary LITTLETON, 30,f,w,MS 1870 MS, Yalobusha County, Township 25 Coffeeville PO, pg 143 John M Littleton, 44,m,w,AL,Farmer Margaret, 33,f,w,MS James B, 15,m,w,MS Susan E, 7,f,w,MS Mary S, 2,f,w,MS Mary TAYLOR, 34,f,w,MS 1870 MS, Yalobusha County, Township 25 Coffeeville PO, pg 143 Howard Littleton, 60,m,b,KY,Farm hand Elizabeth, 59,f,b,KY 1870 MS, Yalobusha County, Township 25 Coffeeville PO, pg 144 John M England, 22,m,w,TN,Farmer,v.R/E $330,v.pers $160 Margaret E, 26,f,w,MS Emma J, 8/12,f,w,MS (b Oct) Martha A LITTLETON, 55,f,w,VA Alexander HALE, 17,m,b,MS,Laborer |
MISSOURI BATES COUNTY 1870 MO, Bates County, Grand River, pg 54 James Parson, 22,m,w,IL,Farming,v.R/E $1,200,v.pers $600 Susan, 20,f,w,IL Samuel LITTLETON, 62,m,w,OH,Carpenter Reuben PICKETTS, 16,m,w,IL,Laborer BUCHANAN COUNTY 1870 MO, Buchanan County, Platte, pg 385 John Littleton, 23,m,w,MO,Works on farm John RITCHIE, 15,m,w,MO,Works on farm Angeline WILLIAMS, 14,f,b,VA Frank JOHNSON, 10,m,b,MO 1870 MO, Buchanan County, Rush, pg 393 Augustas Littleton, 30,m,w,KY,Blacksmith,v.R/E $500,v.pers $100 Ramena, 25,f,w,MO Ida May, 5,f,w,MO George C, 3,m,w,MO Marry A, 6/12,f,w,MO (b May) Nancy RIDDLE, 70,f,w,KY 1870 MO, Buchanan County, Rush, pg 402 Elisha Watson, 53,m,w,KY,Farming, v.R/E $1,000,v.pers $150 Margaret, 48,f,w,KY,v.R/E $150 Polly A, 28,f,w,KY Cannis W, 8,f,w,MO Nancy E, 6,f,w,MO Henry W, 4,m,w,MO Dallis A LITTLETAN, 8,f,w,MO 1870 MO, Buchanan County, Saint Joseph Ward-5, pg 651 Henry Littleton, 33,m,w,KY,Carpenter,v.R/E $1,000 Kate, 32,f,w,KY Chas A, 2/12,m,w,MO (b Nov) *Line drawn thru this entry. John HUGHES, 82,m,w,KY,v.R/E $1,000 Lucy HUGHES, 73,f,w,KY 1870 MO, Buchanan County, Tremont, pg 684 John Littleton, 23,m,w,MO,Works on farm John RITCHIE, 15,m,w,MO,Works on farm Angeline WILLIAMS, 17,f,b,VA Frank JOHNSON, 10,m,b,MO NOTE: This is the same family grouping that’s in Platte Township, pg 385 CAPE GIRARDEAU COUNTY 1870 MO, Cape Girardeau County, Randol, pg 169 John Miller, 48,m,w,TN,Farmer,v.R/E $2,500,v.pers $900 Elline, 32,f,w,MO Wills, 5,m,w,MO John, 3,m,w,MO David, 1,m,w,MO John LITTLETON, 8,m,w,MO 1870 MO, Cape Girardeau County, Randol, pg 174 Clarence Bowman, 23,m,w,MO,Farmer,v.pers $325 Luia, 17,f,w,MO Charles 1/12,m,w,MO (b July) William LITTLETON, 13,m,w,MO Note: Line drawn thru entry for Charles 1870 MO, Cape Girardeau County, Randol, pg 178 Mary Minton, 67,f,w,NC,v.R/E $5,400,v.pers $1,000 Mary, 37,f,w,MO Martha, 27,f,w,MO William, 24,m,w,MO,Farm hand Robert, 21,m,w,MO,Farm hand Mary LITTLETON, 12,f,w,IL CARROLL COUNTY 1870 MO, Carroll County, Hurrican, pg 289 L T Ruark, 62,m,w,MD,Farmer,v.R/E $2,000,v.pers $644 Martha, 56,f,w,MD William, 19,m,w,IL Pierce, 17,m,w,IL Francis LITTLETON, 10,m,w,IL Elmer ROTHAM, 8,m,w,IL CHARITON COUNTY 1870 MO, Chariton County, Prairie, pg 233 #28 John Young, 38,m,w,PA,Farmer,v.pers $100 Elizabeth, 28,f,w,MO #29 James LITTLETON, 18,m,w,MO,Laborer md in March Georgiana, 18,f,w,MO 1870 MO, Chariton County, Prairie, pg 237 Elias Elliott, 47,m,w,IL,Farmer,v.R/E $6,000,v.pers $1,500 Idress E, 36,f,w,MO Nathaniel, 17,m,w,MO Francis W, 15,m,w,MO Nancy J, 12,f,w,MO Willie A, 10,m,w,MO Elias E, 6,m,w,MO Peter LITTLETON, 22,m,w,MO,Laborer,v.pers $100 1870 MO, Chariton County, Prairie, pg 241 Joseph Littleton, 51,m,w,KY,Farmer,v.pers $100 Sarah A, 48,f,w,TN William Peterson, 22,m,w,MO,Works Lemuel, 15,m,w,MO Samuel, 11,m,w,MO Eliza, 9,f,w,MO Joseph, 6,m,w,MO DEKALB COUNTY 1870 MO, DeKalb County, Washington, pg 526 Francis J Littleton, 37,m,w,KY,Carrys on Saw Mill,v.R/E $2,000,v.pers $4,200 Virginia,32,f,w,IL Mary, 8,f,w,MO Belle, 7,f,w,MO Nora, 6,f,w,MO Bertie, 6,f,w,MO Fred, 2,m,w,MO MONITEAU COUNTY 1870 MO, Moniteau County, Walker, pg 475 S Littleton, 60,m,w,TN,Farmer,v.R/E $1,600,v.pers $805 S, 29,f,w,MO S A, 16,f,w,MO PERRY COUNTY 1870 MO, Perry County, Brazeau, pg 293 Peter W A McPike, 50,m,w,MO,Farmer,v.R/E $1,600,v.pers $300 Caroline, 46,f,w,PA,v.R/E $2,000,v.pers $700 Caroline, 5,f,w,MO Carrie May, 4,f,w,MO Joseph DRYDEN, 23,m,w,KY,Boatman (md Apr) Samuel, 21,m,w,KY,Works on farm Mollie, 16,f,w,MO James, 14,m,w,MO Matilda, 19,f,w,MO William LITTLETON, 19,m,w,KY,Works on farm PETTIS COUNTY 1870 MO, Pettis County, Mount Sterling, pg 536 Fiffin P Logan, 25,m,w,KY,Farmer,v.R/E $1,500,v.pers $2,500 Thomas M LITTLETON, 31,m,w,NY,Farmer,v.pers $200 Aurilla, 25,f,w,IL Sherman, 3,m,w,IL Infant, 4/12,m,w,IL (b Jan) 7 other persons - surnames not Logan nor Littleton ST LOUIS COUNTY 1870 MO, St Louis County, Central, pg 247 Orange Lytteton, 30,m,b,MO,Farm laborer Lemon LYTTETON, 24,m,b,MO,Farm laborer Enumerated with Walker Shumate - Minister of Gospel 1870 MO, St Louis County, St Louis, pg 429 Mary Littleton, 45,f,b,MO,Works out Enumerated with Danile Jones - Laborer 1870 MO, St Louis County, St Louis Ward-2, pg 516 Geo Littleton, 28,m,b,VA,Riverman Magie, 26,f,b,TN Ellen SMITH, 2,f,b,MO Betzy CARTER, 40,f,b,MO 1870 MO, St Louis County, St Louis Ward-5, pg 937 Arthur Littleton, 34,m,w,CAN,Stone cutter Enumerated with Martha Reuin - Lets rooms |