


1900 TX, Bell County, Precinct 5, pg 4A
Daniel Littleton, head,w,m,Aug 1872,27,M-1,NC,NC,NC,Farmer
Callie, wife,w,f,Dec 1880,19,M-1,1-1,MS,NC,NC
Minnie, dau,w,f,Feb 1900,4/12,S,TX,NC,MS


1900 TX, Bowie County, Precinct 4, pg 262A
Charles J Littleton, head,w,m,Dec 1842,57,M-16,MS,AL,MO,Farmer
Millie, wife,w,f,Dec 1851,58,M-16,1-1,MS,MS,MS    (age & year don’t agree)
Markus, son,w,m,Nov 1885,14,S,TX,MS,MS,Farm laborer


1900 TX, Brazoria County, Precinct 6, pg 111B
Henry C Littleton, boarder,b,m,unknown,S,UNK,UNK,UNK
Enumerated with Jane King - Washerwoman

1900 TX, Brazoria County, Precinct 7, pg 125A
Coly Littleton, head,b,m,Jul 1854,45,M-19,TX,TX,TX,Farmer
Phoeba, wife,b,f,Jul 1860,40,M-19,9-9,TX,TX,TX
William, son,b,m,Aug 1881,18,S,TX,TX,TX
Claiborne, son,b,m,Feb 1884,16,S,TX,TX,TX
Roscoe, son,b,m,Feb 1885,15,S,TX,TX,TX
Amellia, dau,b,f,Dec 1886,13,S,TX,TX,TX
Annie, dau,b,f,Oct 1889,11,S,TX,TX,TX
Frank, son,b,m,Jan 1893,6,S,TX,TX,TX
Low, dau,b,f,Feb 1891,9,S,TX,TX,TX
Coly Jr, son,b,m,Dec 1897,2 S,TX,TX,TX


1900 TX, Brazos County, Precinct 5, pg 309A
Henry Littleton, head,b,m,May 1874,26,M-blank,TX,TX,TX,Farm laborer
Cassie, wife,b,f,Jun 1880,20,M-blank,TX,LA,LA

1900 TX, Brazos County, Precinct 5, pg 319B
Lib Littleton, head,b,m,Oct 1861,38,S,MS,MD,NC,Farmer
Julia LITTLETON,  mother,b,f,May 1820,80,Wd,9-4,NC,NC,NC
William LITTLETON, nephew,b,m,Jan 1878,22,S,TX,MS,MS,Farm labor

1900 TX, Brazos County, Precinct 5, pg 319B
James Littleton, head,b,m,Jan,1858,42,M-15,MS,MD,NC,Farmer
Kemsa, wife,b,f,Apr blank,37,M-15,2-1,TX,blank,blank
Elizabeth, dau,b,f,blank,5,S,TX,MS,TX,UNK,UNK


1900 TX, Burleson County, Precinct 3, pg 106B
Charles Lidelton, had,w,m,Jan 1853,47,S,IN,NC,SC,Farmer
Sallie A GEE, sister,w,f,Jun 1839,60,Wd,0-0,FL,NC,SC
Allas LIDELTON, boarder,b,f,Jan 1834,66,Wd,8-3,NC,NC,NC,Cook
Ellis LIDELTON, boarder,b,m,Mar 1879,21,S,TX,KY,KY,Farm laborerer

1900 TX, Burleson County, Precinct 3, pg 106B
James Lidelton, head,b,m,Aug 1867,32,M-9,TX,KY,KY,Farm laborer
Mattie, wife,b,f,Jan 1869,31,M-9,7-7,TX,GA,MS
Ed, son,b,m,Jan 1892,8,S,TX,TX,TX
Mattie, dau,b,f,Jan 1894,6,S,TX,TX,TX
Charley, son,b,m,Mar 1895,5,S,TX,TX,TX
Georgeann, dau,b,f,Sep 1896,3,S,TX,TX,TX
Ilak, dau,b,f,Dec 1898,1,S,TX,TX,TX
Calley, dau,b,f,May 1900,0/12,S,TX,TX,TX

1900 TX,  Burleson County, Precinct 5, pg 172B
Wade Littleton, head,b,m,Apr 1872,28,M-5,TX,FL,AL,Farmer
Virginia, wife,b,f,Dec 1870,29,M-5,0-0,TX,AL,NC
One boarder: Nathan Washington 


1900 TX, Caldwell County, Precinct 1, pg 41B
John Littleton, boarder,w,m,May 1880,2,S,TX,UNK,AL,Day laborer
Enumerated with John Butler - Farmer
Note: Listed as John Littleton not Littleton, John…so he may not be a Littleton

1900 TX, Caldwell County, Precinct 2, pg 94A
Rubin A Littleton, head,w,m,Dec 1853,47,M-20,MS,TN,TN,Farmer
Suckey B, wife,w,f,Feb 1862,38,M-20,12-7,TX,AL,TN
William E, son,w,m,Nov 1880,19,S,TX,MS,TX,Farm laborer
Dudley H, son,w,m,Sep 1882,17,S,TX,MS,TX,Farm laborer
Virgil T, son,w,m,Jun 1884,15,S,TX,MS,TX
Luldaw L, son,w,m,Aug 1895,4,S,TX,MS,TX
Coopwood, son,w,m,Jan 1897,3,S,TX,MS,TX
Vernon W, son,w,m,Sep 1898,1,S,TX,MS,TX
Columbus, son,w,m,Mar 1900,2/12,S,TX,MS,TX

1900 TX, Caldwell County, Precinct 6, pg 189A
Emma Littleton, head,w,f,Sep 1855,44,Wd,6-4,MS,GA,GA,Farmer
Jesse, son,w,m,Jan 1877,23,S,MS,MS,MS,Farm laborer
Eula, dau,w,f,Feb 1878,22,S,MS,MS,MS
Sanford, son,w,m,Sep 1880,19,S,MS,MS,MS,Farm laborer
Millard, son,w,m,Jun 1882,17,S,MS,MS,MS,Farm laborer
One boarder: John Alexander


1900 TX, Eastland County, Precinct 1, pg 117A
John C Littleton, head,w,m,Apr 1852,48,M-25,TN,NC,TN,Farmer
Louisa J, wife,w,f,Mar 1855,45,M-25,8-7,TN,TN,TN
James A, son,w,m,Jan 1879,21,S,TN,TN,TN,Farm laborer
Levi E, son,w,m,Mar 1881,19,S,TN,TN,TN,Farmer
Emma M, dau,w,f,Aug 1886,13,S,TX,TN,TN
John H, son,w,m,May 1889,11,S,TX,TN,TN
Robert P, son,w,m,Dec 1890,9,S,TX,TN,TN
Carrie E, dau,w,f,Jun 1893,6,S,TX,TN,TN
Myrtle S, dau,w,f,Oct 1896,3,S,TX,TN,TN

1900 TX, Eastland County, Precinct 5, pg 188B
Robert L Littleton, head,w,m,Aug 1869,30,M-9,TN,NC,TN,Farmer
Mary E, wife,w,f,Jan 1873,27,M-9,4-4,MS,MS,MS
Cassie L, dau,w,f,Jan 1892,8,S,TX,TN,MS
John H, son,w,m,May 1894,6,S,TX,TN,MS
Effes, dau,w,f,Sep 1897,2,S,TX,TN,MS
Oscar H, son,w,m,Feb 1900,3/12,S,TX,TN,MS
John H SNOW, uncle,w,m,Mar 1844,56,S,TX,MS,MS,Farm laborer

1900 TX, Eastland County, Precinct 5, pg 188B
Levi H Littleton, head,w,m,Oct 1823,76,M-55,NC,ENG,NC,Landlord
Mary J, wife,w,f,Jul 1829,70,M-55,10-9,TN,NC,TN
Mary E COBB, dau,w,f,Oct 1860,39,Wd,1-1,TN,NC,TN
Willie L Cobb, gr/dau,w,f,Jan 1892,7,S,TX,MS,TN


1900 TX, Ellis County, Ennis, Precinct 3, pg 27A
Ben F Littleton, head,w,m,Oct 1859,40,M-20,GA,GA,GA,Farmer
Maggie, wife,w,f,Dec 1862,37,M-20,7-7,GA,TN,TN
Clarence, son,w,m,May 1883,17,S,AL,GA,GA,Farm laborer
Edwin, son,w,m,Apr 1886,14,S,AL,GA,GA
Florence, dau,w,f,Dec 1888,11,S,AL,GA,GA
Lee, son,w,m,Apr 1892,8,S,AL,GA,GA
Howard, son,w,m,Nov 1894,5,S,AL,GA,GA
Pearl, dau,w,f,Dec 1896,3,S,AL,GA,GA

1900 TX, Ellis County, Precinct 3, pg 27A
John M Littleton, head,w,m,Oct 1851,48,M-19,GA,GA,GA,Farmer
Mattie A, wife,w,f,Oct 1863,36,M-19,TX,IN,IN
Maggie, dau,w,f,Jul 1883,16,S,TX,GA,TX
Fread H, son,w,m,Feb 1887,13,S,TX,GA,TX
John W, son,w,m,Dec 1893,7,S,TX,GA,TX
Lizzie LITTLETON, sister,w,f,May 1850,50,S,GA,GA,GA


1900 TX, Erath County, Precinct 4, pg 178A
Charlie Littleton, head,w,m,Apr 1867,33,M-15,MS,GA,GA,Farmer
Rachel, wife,w,f,Aug 1868,31,M-15,6-6,MO,TN,TN
Sophronia, dau,w,f,Apr 1886,14,S,TX,MS,MO
Ray, son,w,m,May 1888,12,S,TX,MS,MO,Farm laborer
Addie, dau,w,f,Sep 1890,9,S,Indian Terr,MS,MO
Andy, son,w,m,Jun 1893,6,S,TX,MS,MO
Luster, son,w,m,Feb 1897,3,S,TX,MS,MO
Meddie, dau,w,f,Aug 1899,9/12,S,TX,MS,MO


1900 TX, Galveston County, Galveston Ward-8, pg 28A
Frank Mums, head,b,m,Jan 1874,26,M-10,TX,VA,VA,Day laborer
William JENNISON, wife,b,f,Feb 1874,26,M-10,1-1,LA,VA,GA
Frank MUMS, son,b,m,Jan 1897,3,S,TX,TX,LA
Annie LITTLETON, niece,b,f,May 1889,11,S,TX,TX,TX
William JENNIOSN, boarder,b,m,Jan 1826,74,Wd,VA,VA,VA,Fisherman
  Note: William Jennison listed as boarder was also listed as Frank’s wife.

1900 TX, Galveston County, Precinct 6, pg 210B
Frank Monroe, head,b,m,Feb 1869,30,M-7,TX,UNK,UNK,Railroad laborer
Elizabeth, wife,b,f,Dec 1872,27,M-7,5-1,LA,KY,TX
Frank J, son,b,m,Sep 1894,5,S,TX,TX,LA,
Annie LITTLETON, niece,b,f,Jan 1889,11,S,TX,TX,TX


1900 TX, Gonzales County, Precinct 1, Gonzales, pg 47A
Sarah Miesenhelder, head,w,f,Mar 1850,50,Wd,3-3,OH,OH,OH
Fred B, son,w,m,Apr 1876,24,S,TX,OH,OH,Carpenter
Renna May, dau,w,f,Mar 1871,21,S,TX,OH,OH
Julia S, dau,w,f,Nov 1882,17,S,TX,OH,OH
Mrs Nora B LITTLETON, sister,w,f,Mar 1840,59,Wd,0-0,OH,OH,OH
Louie BUSH, brother,w,m,Feb 1862,38,S,OH,OH,OH,Editor     *could be Beech-indexed Beich
Nancy Wilson, servant,b,f,May 1870,30,S,TX,TX,TX,Servant

1900 TX, Gonzales County, Precinct 8, pg 289A
John T Littleton, head,w,m,Dec 1851,48,Wd,NC,NC,NC,Farmer
Thomas K, son,w,m,Dec 1877,22,S,TX,NC,AL,Farm laborer
James, son,w,m,Jul 1883,16,S,TX,NC,AL,Farm laborer
Mannie L, dau,w,f,Jun 1884,15,S,TX,NC,AL

1900 TX, Gonzales County, Precinct 8, pg 290A
Isac Littleton, head,w,m,May 1852,48,Wd,NC,NC,NC,Farmer
Mildred, dau,w,f,Dec 1882,17,S,TX,NC,TX
Everet, son,w,m,Mar 1886,14,S,TX,NC,TX,Farm laborer
Ernest, son,w,m,May 1888,12,S,TX,NC,TN,Farm laborer
Lean, dau,w,f,Sep 1890,9,S,TX,NC,TX


1900 TX, Grayson County, Precinct 2, pg 217A
Tom Littleton, boarder,w,m,blank 1880,20,S,IL,IL,IL,Railroad laborer
Rufus LITTLETON, boarder,w,m,blank 1878,22,S,IL,IL,IL,Railroad laborer
Jake LITTLETON, boarder,w,m,blank 1872,29,M-3,IL,IL,ILRailroad laborer
Joe LITTLETON, boarder,w,m,blank 1880,20,S,AR,AR,AR,Railroad laborer
Enumerated with William Fitzgarld - Railroad laborer


1900 TX, Harrison County, Marshall Ward-2, pg 193A
Henry T Lyttleton, head,w,m,Jul 1852,47,M-19,KY,VA,VA,County Judge
Nannie, wife,w,f,Nov 1865,34,M-19,4-4,KY,KY,KY,Teacher
Don W J, son,w,m,Aug 1882,17,S,KY,KY,KY
Lizzie, dau,w,f,Jan 1884,16,S,KY,KY,KY
Veda, dau,w,f,Dec 1885,14,S,KY,KY,KY
Rachael, dau,w,f,May 1890,10,S,TX,KY,KY
Annie LITTLETON, dau,w,f,Oct 1877,22,S,KY,KY,KY,Music teacher


1900 TX, Hays County, Precinct 6, pg 132B
Walter M Littleton, head,w,m,Sep 1851,48,M-26,MS,MS,MS,Preacher
Lizzie J, wife,w,f,Oct 1849,50,M-26,4-3,MS,MS,MS
Carrie N, dau,w,f,Jun 1879,21,S,TX,MS,MS
Robt A, son,w,m,Nov 1883,17,S,TX,MS,MS
James A, son,w,m,Dec 1886,13,S,TX,MS,MS
Wm W, son,w,m,Dec 1895,6,S,TX,MS,MS


1900 TX, Houston County, Crockett, pg 59A
Joe Ramy, head,b,m,Sep 1866,33,M-2,AR,TN,MS,Day laborer
Laura, wife,b,f,Sep 1862,37,M-2,0-0,TX,VA,AL
Rosa B LITTLETON, niece,b,f,Mar 1889,11,S,TX,TX,TX 


1900 TX, Hunt County, Precinct 3, pg 2A
William M Littleton, head,w,m,Nov 1847,52,M-23,TX,AR,AR,Peddler-Tin ware
Missouli H, wife,w,f,Mar 1860,40,M-23,2-2,TX,MO,AL

1900 TX, Hunt County, Precinct 3, pg 4B
Mac T Littleton, head,w,m,Oct 1880,19,M-1,TX,AR,TX,Farmer
Hettie G, wife,w,f,Feb 1884,16,M-1,0-0,TX,TX,TX


1900 TX, Johnson County, Precinct 5, Grandview, pg 280A
John M Littleton, head,w,m,Feb 1854,45,M-18,GA,GA,GA,FArmer
Rebecca J M, wife,w,f,May 1853,47,M-18,4-2,GA,GA,GA
Ada S, dau,w,f,Mar 1886,14,S,TX,GA,GA,Farm laborer
Lilie J, dau,w,f,Mar 1888,12,S,TX,GA,GA,Farm laborer
One lodger: Noah Brown


1900 TX, Lamar County, Precinct 5, pg 82B
Johnie Littleton, head,b,m,Apr 1878,22,M-8/12,MS,MS,MS,Farmer
Eauana, wife,b,f,Jan 1879,21,M-8/12,2-2,MS,MS,MS
Pocachu, stepson,b,m,Sep 1895,4,S,TX,MS,TX
Chester, stepson,b,m,Jan 1898,2,S,TX,MS,TX


1900 TX, Limeston County, Prairie Hill and Mt Antioch, pg 72B
W B Littleton, head,w,m,Jul 1871,28,M-7,GA,GA,GA,Farming
Emma, wife,w,f,Jul 1875,24,M-7,3-3,GA,GA,GA
Robt, son,w,m,Dec 1893,6,S,GA,GA,GA
Irene, dau,w,m,Dec 1896,3,S,TX,GA,GA
Noland, son,w,m,Nov 1899,3/12,S,TX,GA,GA
Morton LITTLETON, nephew,w,m,Jan 1879,21,S,GA,GA,GA,Farm laborer


1900 TX, Madison County, Precinct 4, pg 107A
John E Littleton, head,w,m,Oct 1853,46,M-3,AL,AL,AL,Blacksmith
Alice J, wife,w,f,Mar 1875,25,M-3,2-2,blank,blank,blank
Doc, son,w,m,May 1898,2,S,TX,blank,blank
Fannie B, dau,w,f,Nov 1899,6/12,S,TX,blank,blank


1900 TX, McLennan County, Waco Ward-1, pg 125A
Moses Littleton, head,w,m,Jan,1865,35,M-8,TN,IN,TN,Salon keeper
Eva, wife,w,f,Nov 1870,29,M-8,4-3,TX,TX,MS
Esther, dau,w,f,Apr 1894,6,S,TX,TN,TX
Maude, dau,w,f,Mar 1896,4,S,TX,TN,TX
Moses Linkon, son,w,m,Dec 1898,1,S,TX,TN,TX


1900 TX, Medina County, Precinct 5, pg 185A
Edgar M Littleton, head,w,m,Dec 1857,42,M-2,MS,GA,AL,Farmer
Cora B, wife,w,f,Feb 1880,20,M-2,1-1,TX,MO,TX
Jesse, son,w,m,Mar 1900,2/12,S,TX,MS,TX
Enoch B LITTLETON, father,w,m,Dec 1814,85,M-55,GA,NC,VA
Margaret C LITTLETON, mother,w,f,Feb 1826,74,M-55,8-6,AL,SC,GA
Beatrice M STYLES, sister,w,f,Dec 1850,49,Wd,0-0,MS,GA,AL
Charles W SWEATT, nephew,Jan 1886,14,S,TX,MS,MS

1900 TX, Medina County, Precinct 5, pg 187B
Marshell T Littleton, head,w,m,Apr 1860,40,M-4,MS,GA,TN,Farmer
Mary C, wife,w,f,Apr 1876,24,M-4,2-2-TX,LA,AR
Katie H, dau,w,f,Apr 1897,3,S,TX,MS,TX
Nannie B, dau,w,f,Feb 1899,1,S,TX,MS,TX

1900 TX, Medina County, Precinct 5, pg 188B
Alfred J Littleton, head,w,m,Jan 1862,38,M-17,TX,MS,LA,Farmer
Jane E, wife,w,f,Sep 1859,40,M-17,9-8,TX,UNK,MO
John A, son,w,m,Oct 1884,15,S,TX,TX,TX
Helen A, dau,w,f,Sep 1886,13,S,TX,TX,TX
Samuel C, son,w,m,Jul 1890,9,S,TX,TX,TX
James L, son,w,m,Dec 1892,7,S,TX,TX,TX
Vina L, dau,w,f,Mar 1895,5,S,TX,TX,TX
William M, son,w,m,Mar 1897,3,S,TX,TX,TX
Dee E, son,w,m,Mar 1899,1,S,TX,TX,TX

1900 TX, Medina County, Precinct 5, pg 189A
William B Littleton, head,w,m,Aug 1857,42,M-21,TX,MS,LA,Farm labor
Mary E, wife,w,f,Nov 1859,40,M-21,9-7,TX,TN,TN
May A, dau,w,f,Mar 1881,19,S,TX,TX,TX
Julia H, dau,w,f,Dec 1883,16,S,TX,TX,TX
William E, son,w,m,Dec 1885,14,S,TX,TX,TX
Ruben T, son,w,m,Jul 1888,11,S,TX,TX,TX
Ruth A, dau,w,f,Feb 1891,9,S,TX,TX,TX
Belle A, dau,w,f,Oct 1893,6,S,TX,TX,TX
John A, son,w,m,Mar 1896,4,S,TX,TX,TX

1900 TX, Medina County, Precinct 5, pg 189A
Thomas R Littleton, head,w,m,Aug 1859,40,M-12,TX,MS,LA,Farmer
Sarah E, wife,w,f,May 1863,37,M-12,10-10,TX,VA,AL
Alfred B, son,w,m,Jul 1890,9,S,TX,TX,TX
Ton B, son,w,m,Apr 1893,7,S,TX,TX,TX
Dudley E, son,w,m,Mar 1895,5,S,TX,TX,TX
Ruby O, dau,w,f,Apr 1897,3,S,TX,TX,TX
Tinnie, dau,w,f,Aug 1899,9/12,S,TX,TX,TX
Thomas E GARRETT, stepson,w,m,Jul 1879,20,S,TX,TX,TX,Day labor
William P GARRETT, stepson,w,m,Dec 1882,17,S,TX,TX,TX,Farm laborer
Peter E, GARRETT, stepson,w,m,Sep 1884,15,S,TX,TX,TX
Anna C GARRETT, stepdau,w,f,Aug 1886,13,S,TX,TX,TX
Arthur E GARRETT, stepson,w,m,Aug 1888,11,S,TX,TX,TX


1900 TX, Milam County, Precinct 3, pg 143A
Susan M Littleton, head,w,f,Apr 1839,61,Wd,0-0,GA,GA,GA

1900 TX, Milam County, Precinct 3, pg 143B
Rubin T Littleton, head,w,m,Jan 1864,35,M-5,TX,LA,GA,Farmer   *indexed Rufus
Minnie M, wife,w,f,Mar 1874,26,M-5,0-0,TX,AL,AL
1900 TX, Milam County, Precinct 3, pg 150B
James Davis, head,b,m,Apr 1855,45,M-16,TX,NC,NC,Farmer
Rose, wife,b,f,Nov 1867,32,M-16,TX,AL,AL,Farm laborer
Minda LITTLTON, brother,b,m,Mar 1872,28,S,TX,AL,AL,Farmer
Smith TTRUITT, nephew,b,m,Mar 1890,10,S,TX,TX,TX,Farm laborer

1900 TX, Milam County, Precinct 3, pg 150B
Clem Littleton, head,b,m,Mar 1874,26,M-7,TX,TX,TX,Farmer
Mattie, wife,b,f,Feb 1877,23,M-7,2-2,TX,TX,TX,Farm laborer
Riley, son,b,m,Jan 1897,3,S,TX,TX,TX
Sula, dau,b,f,Feb 1899,1,S,TX,TX,TX
Susan WILLIAMS, mother/law,b,f,Feb 1846,54,Wd,1-1,AL,AL,AL,Farm labor


1900 TX, Navarro County, Precinct 2, pg 201B
Alford Littleton, head,b,m,May 1865,35,M-14,TX,AL,AL,Farmer
Cornelia J, wife,b,f,Oct 1870,29,M-14,7-6,TX,TX,TX
Andrew C, son,b,m,Aug 1887,12,S,TX,TX,TX,Day laborer
Girtrude M, dau,b,f,Apr 1889,11,S,TX,TX,TX,Dau laborer
Lillie R, dau,b,f,Sep 1890,9,S,TX,TX,TX
Willie E, dau,b,f,Feb 1895,5,S,TX,TX,TX
Nellie G, dau,b,f,Mar 1897,3,S,TX,TX,TX
Dewey L, son,b,m,Feb 1899,1,S,TX,TX,TX


1900 TX, Parker County, Precinct 1, Weatherford Ward-2, pg 54A
Jere G Tevis, head,w,m,Dec 1848,51,M-9,MO,KY,SC,Hardware-Salesman
Mary C, wife,w,f,Oct 1855,44,M-9,3-1,TN,IN,TN
Mary K, dau,w,f,Sep 1898,2,S,TX,MO,TN
Albert F LITTLETON, brother/law,m,w,Aug 1880,19,S,TN,IN,TN

1900 TX, Parker County, Precinct 1, Weatherford Ward-3, pg 78A
Charles C Littleton, head,w,m,May 1869,30,M-6,TN,TN,TN,Book keeper with Bank
Pearl, wife,w,f,Apr 1874,25,M-6,1-1,TX,TX,TN
Hester, dau,w,f,Mar 1895,4,S,TX,TN,TX
James W CORN, father,w,m,Feb 1848,51,M-1,TN,TN,TN,Cattle raiser & dealer
Hester CORN, mother,w,f,Feb 1847,52,M-27,7-7,TX,TN,TN
Ruby, dau,w,f,Nov 1884,15,S,TX,TN,TN
Opal, dau,w,f,Feb 1887,12,S,TX,TN,TN

1900 TX, Parker County, Precinct 4, pg 168B
Joe H Littleton, head,w,m,Dec 1832,67,M-12,OH,MD,OH,Farmer
Amelia E, wife,w,f,Mar 1833,67,M-12,5-2,TN,UNK,UNK


1900 TX, Red River County, Precinct 5, Manchester, pg 217B
U S Littleton, head,w,m,Oct 1867,32,M-15,AR,Mexico,GA,Farmer
M, wife,w,f,Oct 1868,31,M-15,5-5,TX,AL,GA
L, dau,w,f,Dec 1888,11,S,TX,AR,TX
A, son,w,m,Jan 1891,9,S,TX,AR,TX
M, dau,w,f,May 1892,8,S,TX,AR,TX
A, dau,w,f,Mar 1897,3,S,TX,AR,TX
A, son,w,m,Apr 1899,1,S,TX,AR,TX


1900 TX, Robertson County, Precinct 7, pg 319A
Dan Littleton, head,b,m,Jan 1877,23,M-2,TX,TX,TX,Farm laborer
Lillie, wife,b,f,Sep 188019,M-2,2-1,TX,VA,TX
Dovy, dau,b,f,Sep 1898,1,S,TX,TX,TX
Elias CLARK, father/law,b,m,unknown,Wd,VA,VA,VA


1900 TX, Smith County, Precinct 3, pg 205B
Wiley Lilton, head,w,m,Mar 1859,41,M-16,GA,NC,NC,Farm laborer
Nannie, wife,w,f,Mar 1864,36,M-16,0-0,AL,AL,AL


1900 TX, Travis County, Precinct 1, pg 55B
Felix Green, head,w,m,May 1860,40,M-14,TN,TN,TN,Farmer
Emma, wife,w,f,Oct 1869,30,M-14,6-6,TX,TX,TX
Robert, son,w,m,Jun 1888,11,S,TX,TX,TX
Alma, dau,w,f,Jul 1890,9,S,TX,TN,TX
Wallace, son,w,m,Apr 1892,8,S,TX,TN,TX
Carl, son,w,m,May 1894,6,S,TX,TN,TX
Harvey son,w,m,May 1896,4,S,TX,TN,TX
Ollie, dau,w,f,Mar 1899,1,S,TX,TN,TX
John LITTLETON, brother/law,w,m,Jun 1876,24,S,TX,TX,TX,Farm laborer

1900 TX, Travis County, Precinct 1, pg 57A
Mary Littleton, head,w,f,Feb 1850,50,Wd,5-5,MS,MS,MS,Farmer
Walter, son,w,m,May 1878,22,S,TX,MS,MS,Farm laborer
French, son,w,m,Jun 1882,17,S,TX,MS,MS,Farm laborer

1900 TX, Travis County, Precinct 3, Austin Ward-6, pg 99A
August Littleton, head,b,m,Unkown info on age,M-20,TX,UNK,UNK,Laborer
Emma, wife,b,f,unknown,M-20,12-8,TX,UNK,UNK
Matilda H, dau,b,f,Oct 1877,22,Wd-4,0-0,TX,TX,TX
Milton, son,b,m,Aug 1888,11,S,TX,TX,TX
Frank, son,b,m,Dec 1893,6,S,TX,TX,TX
Lena, dau,b,f,Dec 1897,2,S,TX,TX,TX
Ione, dau,b,f,Apr 1900,2/12,S,TX,TX,TX

1900 TX, Travis County, Precinct 3, Austin Ward-8, pg 161B
Gus Littleton, head,b,m,Mar 1869,31,M-2,TX,TX,TX,Cook
Delia, wife,b,f,Apr 1870,30,M-2,0-0,TX,MS,MS,Cook

1900 TX, Travis County, Precinct 6, pg 210A
James Littleton, head,w,m,Aug 1843,56,M-30,MS,TN,SCOT,Farmer
Anna, wife,w,f,Nov 1851,48,M-30,8-5,TX,VA,TX
John, son,w,m,Aug 1878,21,S,TX,MS,TX,Farm laborer
Scott, son,w,m,Jul 1881,19,S,TX,MS,TX,Farm laborer
Alex, son,w,m,Nov 1884,15,S,TX,MS,TX,Farm laborer
Ella, dau,w,f,Jul 1888,11,S,TX,MS,TX


1900 TX, Victoria County, Victoria Ward-1, pg 65B
Scott Littleton, boarder,w,m,Aug 1880,18,S,TX,TX,TX,Teamster
Enumerated with Rich’d Adkinson - Teamster


1900 TX, Waller County, Precinct 2, pg 51B
William Littleton, head,b,m,Mar 1860,40,M-15,LA,LA,LA,Farmer
Mauda, wife,b,f,Jun 1864,35,M-15,7-6,TX,TX,TX
Jno W, son,b,m,Mar 1886,14,S,TX,LA,TX
Ellis, son,b,m,Apr 1888,12,S,TX,LA,TX
Willie, son,b,m,Oct 1889,10,S,TX,LA,TX
Lula, dau,b,f,Sep 1891,8,S,TX,LA,TX
Morris, son,b,m,Dec 1893,6,S,TX,LA,TX
Jacob, son,b,m,Aug 1895,4,S,TX,TX,TX

1900 TX, Waller County, Precinct 6, pg 147A
Frank Littleton, boarder,w,m,Aug 1856,43,S,AR,AR,VA,Farmer
Enumberated with Bennett - Farmer


1900 TX, Williamson County, Precinct 6, pg 256B
Joe Littleton, servant,w,m,Sep 1859,40,S,TN,NC,TN,Farm laborer
Enumerated with William Payne - Farmer


1900 TX, Wood County, Precinct 4, pg 140A
Benj Littleton, head,w,m,Dec 1856,43,M-22,SC,SC,SC,Farmer
Elizabeth, wife,w,f,Apr 1853,47,M-22,5-4,AL,AL,AL
Minnie L, dau,w,f,Oct 1878,21,Wd,3-3,TX,AL,AL,House maid
William, son,w,m,Nov 1882,17,S,TX,AL,AL,Farm laborer
Robert, son,w,m,Jan 1885,15,S,TX,AL,AL,Farm laborer
Effie M, dau,w,f,Feb 1887,13,S,TX,AL,AL

Creation date 28 August 2005
                                                                        Last update 5 January 2007