Littleville Lodge #881
F & AM

During the spring months of 1947, several Masons of Littleville and Colbert Heights began meeting weekly and practicing Masonic work to improve their proficiency in ritual work  At these meetings the idea was conceived to have a lodge chartered in Littleville.  A committee of three brethren met the Grand Master at Florence and discussed the proposition with him.  He advised them to have all brothers interested to dimit from their respective lodges and after filling in the regular form of Dispensation to mail it to the Grand Secretary with the $35.00 dispensation fee.

As Russellville Lodge was nearest to Littleville, the Grand Master requested that Lodge to examine the brothers as to their proficiency and to determine whether the community was large enough to support a lodge.  A favorable report was returned.

The Grand Master granted Littleville Lodge #881 a dispensation to do work on July 14, 1947, and appointed Frank H. Bullington as Worshipful Master, Ewell W. Smithson as Senior Warden, and Wilson H. Kent as Junior Warden.  Brother Bullington then appointed the following officers:  W. W. McWilliams, S. D.; Chester Isbell, J. D.; Carl Patton, Treasurer; A. B. Murphree, Secretary; Dwight Cantrell, S. S.; Lester Wood, J. S.; William R. Hand, Tiler; and Scott Jones, Chaplain.

The following brethren were also charter members of the new lodge:  Mervin R. Stansell, Joseph Baty, Clarence E. Patton, Roy Taylor, W. C. Bowen, Ralph Tessner, Lewis E. McCollister, Bennie Martin, Ira Barkley, Allen A. Green, W. B. Carter, E. M. Bently, D. M. Hand, Sherman Hand, and William Whitlock.

The old Baptist Church and Woodmen Hall building was not in use at this time and permission was granted from officers and leaders of the Woodmen Lodge and local churches to use the building and care for it, as it was community property.  Much repair work was necessary and the cost was cared for by liberal donations from all interested brothers.

The Worshipful Master and Senior Warden attended the Grand Lodge in November 1947 and heard many complimentary remarks made regarding the books of the lodge that were submitted for approval before a charter could be granted.

The Grand Lodge granted the Charter of Littleville Lodge #881 on November 19, 1947, and the lodge held an election on the following regular communication and elected the appointed officers to serve until June 24th of the next year.

Right Worshipful Senior Grand Warden J. Clifton Roe instituted the lodge by request of the Grand Master on July 21, 1947.

Taken from the By-Laws of LITTLEVILLE LODGE #881, F & AM

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 E-Mail Us--littleville881@alagl.org

Webmaster:  George L. "Butch" Tucker, Jr.