More about me than even I want to know.
I have no idea why anyone would click here but whatever...

All links open in a new window. Smile.

Metaphysical moi:
I am a Scorpio with cancer rising born in the year of the rat.
If you want to read my Free Sample report from astrologer Kelli Fox click here.
If you want to see my Free Sample chart wheel from astrologer Kelli Fox click here.
Cyber moi:
I have been on the Internet for quite a while but
I am also a bit of a technophobe (diatribe/explanation here)
so it has been a odd relationship. I got online as a face your fear sort of thing.
It worked to some degree. Now I no longer fear the technology so much
as some of the people using it.

Working moi:
Some jobs I have held and places I have worked:
Flea market
I.D. photo taker
Cashier (numerous and sundry times)
Waitress (numerous and sundry times)
Pasta cook
Office Assistant
Gal Friday
Wax Pourer at a Bronze Foundry
Eyeglass maker
Mental Health care worker
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Traveling moi:
Las Vegas
Disney Land
I think 12 states