My Story
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I think it's great that more & more people from all walks of life are finally taking a firm stand by telling the world (Hey World I am not Perfect). I have this wrong with me or that wrong with me. It is up to each person as to how he /she allows themselves to react to other people. Another way of explaining it is called (Taking Responsibility for Ones Own Action & Reactions). I would love to be of any help I can be with "my story", as no two people are the same nor does any two people react the same that is why history does not repeat its-self but humans surely can and often do. Please feel free to email me any time, I too want to see this get as high off the ground as my manic has been known to get (smile) I have used my warped sense of humor to get me through life, I do not want to offend nor try to offend any person as I too have been told a lot of off the wall remarks from people needing to make them-selves feel better at the expense of another person I do not believe in that & I try hard not to offend a person while remaining as honest as I know how to be. I've been around long enough to also be aware that there as people who have no type of problems, no health issues, no family troubles, money isn't a concern, A totally perfect life & family, I feel this it what a robot or stuffed item can refer to them-selves to but not any person I have ever met, I really have a no chance of needing to worry about meeting such a person as every person is human where they believe it or not is totally their call. People who need people are truly the luckiest people, if my life gets to the point I cannot help another person or learn from another person (no matter their age / back ground /lifestyle I believe & feel that is when my tour of duty on earth has traveled my life's full circle, my life is full because of being helped & trying to be helpful, this is the most rewarding part of being alive not just existing. You are on the right path of a healthy & happy life by learning & sharing how when & why every person does have to learn to respect their-own limits, if I cant / don't respect my limits how could I have / show respect for another person's limits. I would guess just how hard it was for you to write about what it does to a person wanting to help another person with the very serious & very real issue of suicidal stages of depression. The truth is the same as the rest of life a person has to be willing to do their part in the recovery stages, such as I can lead a horse to water, I can not make it drink the water.50/50 is a person helping & a person taking the help, any person at the point of being depressed to the point of no return owes it to then-self's, loved-ones & friends to yell Call 911 or call it their-self as that is what it is for to begin with, depression is no better or no worse than any physical sickness, as it is very true that every human needs a mind & a body to live, it is up to each of us to do our part in our physical & mental treatments, if or when we can no longer use good judgment is it our own part in our treatment plan to (JUST SAY SO) that is where it is the doctors place to take over for us until we can gain control again, I am & have always been too ornery to let anything or anybody stop me from something important to me and that it one of the few things being human gives us the upper hand with things such as depression, it is our hand, it is our own life, it is our part to help our self too. It is ok with me for nickname & address to be listed .