Often stopping the "outer work" in the world begins the birth process of intense "inner work".
This is when we begin to Remember. This is a great time of identity crisis's. And finally the old shell of "who we thought we were" falls away and there we remain naked. (We often have dreams about being naked in public at these times)
It may feel like a sad and lonely place to be but it is so uplifting to the spirit in the long run.
I think of this time as Medieval Times.
We are slaying all of the Inner Dragons.
We become Sir Lancelot as we are searching for the Holy Grail. We are on a mission. We need the sword of Excaliber (truth and understanding) to slay away the demons and find the Holy Grail (the ultimate gift of who we are)
We rescue Lady Guineveire. We "back up" those feminine qualities. We begin to trust our own intuition
And suddenly one day we wake up and realize we have the powers of Merlin! No one had ever told us! We have been carrying it around with us all along--our whole lives. The Holy Grail is in everyone of us and we are powerful, strong effective Beings.
We are all Merlin...and we stand on strong foundations with the sword of truth and understanding in our hands at all times. We carry Excaliber with us
We begin to recognize the Merlin in everyone and this is who we talk to when we speak to each other...which helps call forth the Merlin in us all...
And then here we are...a bunch of Merlins. We have finally found each other..our true family..what we have been seeking our whole lives....
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