At night I arise and stare into her
Beautiful face
Hoping she will share some of her
She is how I wish to be....
Dependable, lonely, enchanting and
mesmerising those who gaze upon her.
The moon is my anchor and
She is my mother and
My mother's mother,
And all feminine ancestors combined.
The moon is my teacher,
Tellilng me of the ways etheric.
She speaks softly of love
As her moonbeams like pearls dance in
hair and make our faces glisten.
Who wouldn't fall in love in Her
Alas! The moon is my morning star.
I sadly watch her fade as the
Sun emerges causing her to hide
Her secrets again until tomorrow.
The moon told me Late last night
Of love, of sorcery and of magic.
It told me of enchantments long ago
Somehow lost
Yet somehow remembered.
The moon told me of my own
Feminine powers
Of my own desires,
And abilities.
She told me of a sadness
I had long forgotten.
For some reason she
Wanted me to remember.
The moon watches me teasingly,
She allows her light to shine softly
Bringing me from darkness
Illuminating my path
And showing me the way home.