In this state you can receive insights and do much
inner work. It can last for minutes, hours, days, or even months.
You will experience the void throughout your spiritual journey. It is your ability to live
near the void, go into it at will, and make it your
friend that will assist you in growing even faster
and with more joy.
Imagine a bird flying happily on a jet stream. It
looks upward, and sees a higher flow that it wants to join. It begins to leave its familiar path and fly
to the higher one.
However, conditions between the two paths aren't certain. It may hit turbulances and fall below the original path temporarily.
It may be carried way above the higher path or find
that the space between has very little air flow,
making normal flight more difficult. By leaving the
familiar jetstream, the bird learns much about
It discovers more about flying and the conditions that can affect its flight. Eventually it is able to stabilize and fly easily in the higher flow. It's experience is similar to what you encounter when you are in the void.
The void occurs when you are letting go of an aspect
of your personality self that longer fits who you are becoming.
It represents a new level of surrendering
your personality to the guidance of your Higher Self; it is the birth of a new part of your Higher Self
into this reality.
You will experience the void again and again as you
grow. In this state you may feel that your life is
changing, rapidly, something new is coming, or your
foundations are falling away, leaving you nothing to
hang on to.
You may feel like something is happening inside but not see any changes in your life yet. It
is not a comfortable place for your personality,
which likes things to be certain and secure.
The void can come when you are between projects, have just had your last child leave home, or have quit a
job and do not yet know what to do next. one of your close friends may have left or you need to move or
find a new home.
It sometimes feels like you are entering a new world where the game is played differently and you don't know the rules yet.
Every void is marked by issues of the heart. You
will find yourself asking deep questions, such as,
"how can I love and accept myself more? Am I
loveable? Who am I? Can I have what I want?
What would I love to do with my life?" You may find that you feel softer and more loving toward others or uncertainty. You are raising your vibration,
expanding beyond your old habits and patterns.
The void can make you feel much less social than
normal. If you have always been relatonships, you
may find yourself living alone or without a primary
You may feel more distand from your husband or wife, even while you feel increased compassion and love for him or her.
In the void you may have less desire than usual for
intimate physical contact, which intertwines your
aura with another's.
During the time of the void you are clearing your aura of other people's energy as
part of the process of raising your vibration.
You may feel empty or lonely inside even when
surrounded by people. The desire to be alone, even
feelings of lonliness are reflecions of your
deepening desire to connect with your Higher Self.
In your deeper wisdom, you know that your connection
to others is not a substitute for for a deeper
connection to your Higher Self. As you spend time
alone, you get to know yourself better,
It is a time to know your feelings and thoughts, to think about what you want to do with your life. As you begin to know and make friends with yourself, your feelings of loneliness decrease
You may feel physically different--over-energized or
wanting to sleep more than usual. Sleep provides
time for inner work to take place, and you may need
more sleep to integrate all of the internal changes
going on.
Some people worry because they have less
energy than normal and can't explain why.
If you don't honor the need for rest, you may find
yourself getting minor illness to keep you quiet.
Some people create back pain or various physical
injuries that require thme to take time off from
their work and give them time to rest and think.
In the process of raising your vibration, you
sometimes pass through a period of confusion.
In the void the new is not yet established and the old hasn't left; they exist side by side. This can
create confusion as you sort things out.
Your moods may be inconsistent. You may feel more
emotional than usual, or feel very little emotion
about anything.
As your internal work grows more intense, your mind may feel different. The void is a time when you are learning to think in new ways.
Because of this, it may be harder to think in the old ways.
You might have moments when you have trouble
thinking clearly, or you may forget things you
learned the day before.
You may wonder if you are losing your memory. You
may have more trouble than usual making quick
decicions or knowing what you want.
Yet, there will be periods of great clarity with new insights and ideas pouring through. You may even have times when you remember long-forgotten events from your past.
In the void your thoughts may be different than
usual, as if you are measuring things by a new
It is as if you are shining a powerful
light on your life and seeing things in a new way.
You may be examining everything in your life,
deciding what to keep and what to let go of.
You may even feel that things are falling apart or that things you took for granted aren't working the way they used to.
There comes a time when the vision of where you
want to be requires you to let go of something you
created. The void teaches you about your
It is a time of examining your
relationships, feelings, attitudes, and values,
replacing them that no longer serve you with ones
that do.
The void is a time of not knowing. It may feel like
a state of not-doing, of nothingness. it is only
when you stop knowing in your normal way and
experience not knowing that you can connect with new
This state of nothingness and not-knowing is a state
of being rather than doing, of stillness and silence.
Many of you fear the void because it offers neither
a solid foundation nor a clear identity. What you
have identified with may be changing to allow you to
grow into a greater identity.
Allow yourself to go into the void a few minutes each day by silencing your mind. Let yourself explore the nothingness.
Silence is the doorway to greater knowledge, and you will discover a richness of energy beyond description rather than "nothing" Each time you go into the void you will come out at a higher level.
As your connection to your Higher Self grows
stronger, you draw to yourself many new opportuties
that match your higher vibration.
When you are in the void, any decision you make will have far-reaching effects, for you are at the intersection of many probable futures. Let go of all your preconceived ideas and explore your expanded range of choices
Take time to fantasize and daydream. You may find
yourself thinking of the future often and of how
things could be diferent.
Even if you can see no wway yet to create the life you want, continue to imagine your ideal life. Your visions are creating the future, and you will draw to yourself the circumstanaces to bring about your visions.
As your raise your vibration, you will probably find
yourself in the void more and more often. You can be experiencing the viod in one area of your life and
not others.
For instance, your job might be stable amd certain while your relationship with someone may be undergoing a big change.
If you are experiencing the void in any area in your
life, be loving to yourself. Don't worry if no
direction has yet revealed itself.
You are raising your vibration rapidly in this area, doding much inner work, and opening your heart to love yourself more.
As you do, new circumstances will start appearing that are better than what you had in the past.
Love and accept your present circumstances
too, for loving where you are will let you reach your new vision more quickly.
There is always a turning point while you are in the
void. There comes a moment at which a deep inner
note is sounded.
In a note of determination, of stronger will, of a
decision that will lead you in a new direction.
There is a moment when a shift takes place, when you
become clearer about what you want. Your self-love
is greater, and you know within that you are ready to start creating what you want.
At first you may be faintly aware of this new
decision and what action to take to carry it out.
Take the first steps that appear to you and the next
steps will come. You then leave the void, the time
of insights, and new possibilities, and begin the
stage of carrying out your insights.
You are like the bird that has found the higher jetstream: you are flying in it and learning where it takes you
One man found out that he had to move because the
home he was renting was going to be put up for sale.
He hadn't planned on moving and felt displaced. Then his closest friend took a job in another state and
moved away.
It felt like everything in his life was
falling apart. at the same time he finished a large
project--a book--on which he had been working and was wondering what to do next.
Instead of focusing on how uncomfortable he felt, he
focused on the new opportunity he had to create
better things.
He began to view the uncertainty as having challenge and excitement in it and he usedthis time to get clearer about what he wanted. He pictured himself living in a home that was even better than what he had and shortly found a wonderful place to live.
He started meeting people and made several new
friends whose company stimulated him. He stopped
trying to think about what new book to write, and as
he was relaxing one day an idea came to him that
formed the basis for another book.
As he left the void and moved into greater certainty, he began living a life that was much bigger and more nurturing to him than the one he had before.
You don't have to wait for things to leave your life
to use the opportunity present in the void. Whenever you feel an inner sense that things don't quite fit
who you are any more, whenever you want to
contemplate a new direction, simply get quiet and
venture into the world of probable futures.
Imagine living out different possible futures. Challenge yourself to think positively and expansively. learn to love uncertainty and embrace the new
Don't rush into a decision just to have things more fixed and secure once again. The universe works in
perfect ways, and there are good reasons if things
are changing.
You can leave the void when you decide that you are ready and have made important inner
The void, with its lack of structure,
certainty, and concrete direction asists you in
taking major leaps forward.
As you come out of the void, you will find yourself
wanting to reconnect with people, perhaps in new and
more exciting ways.
You will feel more certain about what you want and have a greater sense of purpose.
As you leave the void, implementing your insights,
you will see the positive results of your inner work
begin to manifest.
Love the void, for even though nothing seems to be
happening, it is a time when much inner work is being done. In the void you have the opportunity to create a new and higher future.
Times of uncertainty are also times of new possibilities. Go for it--reach for the stars!
Picture having everything you want.
You may even find yourself learning to love the void
for the opportunity it offers to take quantum leaps
and accelerate your growth.
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