One of the most enlightening and
problematic expressions of identity is burial practice. Burials link
several lines of inquiry into a single research object. They represent a
single or small series of closely linked events. Biology, art, religion,
communication, society, and personal psychology can all ideally be
preserved in or represented by burials. A burial can be a snapshot of a
people and their culture.Distortions in the information recovered
from mortuary contexts originate from multiple sources. Culture dictates
whether the dead are buried, cremated, exposed, or some other disposal
method. It says who is buried where and with what. These variations
depict culture and ethnicity. Culture, the very thing under study can
distort the archaeological record. These dictates of culture may
misrepresent the cultural and social environment of the living.
Additional care in the use of data recovered from mortuary contexts must
be exercised.
Research into the burial practices of the Harappan Civilization has
thus far been limited. The most limiting factor has been the
distribution of burials between a relatively small number of sites at
which burials have been identified. An additional complication is that
at no site have a sufficient number of burials been examined. Three
types of burials can be identified. Types include extended, fractional,
and cremation burials.
The extended burial is the most numerous and the most widespread.
Four variations of this type of extended burial were identified. These
variations include: empty, brick lined, wooden, and plain. Fractional
burials are apparently secondary burials of various types.
If one were to chose a single term to describe Mature Harappan
burials it would be unostentatious. There are no hoards of gold or
pyramids. The primary types of artifacts recovered from burial contexts
include: ceramics and some personal ornaments. The remains of fowl and
sheep were recovered from burials at Harappa and Lothal (Rao, 1973).
Since the beginning of excavations at Harappa, two separate
cemeteries have been identified. Both cemeteries are to the south of the
site. Cemetery R37 is older and more distant. Cemetery H was built
between the R37 and the settlement. The total burial recovery from
Harappa is 196.
At Harappa all primary burials are rectangular pits oriented
north/south. Shafts were often reused several times, with new graves
often cut into old. This pattern is similar, though less extensive, to
the reuse pattern reported by Leanord Woolley concerning his discoveries
at Ur (1934).
Burial treatments were variable and include mudbrick tomb lining,
wooden coffins, straw and reed mat wrapping. Vats and Marshall reported
post cremation burials at Harappa. Wheeler (1968) dismissed Marshall’s
suggested cremations without any real reason or contrary evidence.
Cremations have also been reported at Sutkagendor, Damb Buthi, and Mehi
(Rao, 1973). The brick lined burials are similar to those at Nal in
Baluchistan, Shahi-tump and Musyan in western Persia (Wheeler, 1968; Rao,
1973). At Nal, were found brick lined tombs, both fractional and
complete burials, and no grave goods but personal ointments.
A single wooden coffin was discovered in Cemetery R37 at Harappa. The
coffin was constructed of 3.81cm thick rosewood planks and was equipped
with a lid of deodar wood, from the Himalayan foothills (Rao, 1973). The
burial was that of a woman and was adorned with a copper ring on the
middle finger of the right hand (Rao, 1973). Wheeler (1969) noted a
similarity between this burial and Sargonid wood coffin burials from the
Royal Cemetery at Ur. There is a superficial resemblance, however, there
is no definitive link which can be drawn between them.
The Mature Harappan cemetery R37 at Harappa was discovered by Shastri
in 1938. It is located to the south of Mound AB, on slightly raising
ground. Two mudbrick buildings were found within the cemetery (Kenoyer,
1998). Wheeler (1968) reports that graves were built up slightly, one
with mud brick. It has been dated to the Mature Harappan due to a thick
layer of Post-Harappan debris that was found covering cemetery. Composed
mostly of ceramics, the debris can be dated easily due to 40% goblet
content (Wheeler, 1968). Several mudbrick walls and foundations from the
Late Harappan cut into the cemetery resulting in the destruction of many
Mature Harappan burial goods consist primarily of ceramics and
personal adornments. The majority of ceramics recovered from mortuary
contexts at Harappa were unslipped and undecorated (Dales, 1991). Most
of the decorated ceramics are from the lower levels (1991). Some
decorated ceramics from later burials were painted with up to half a
centimeter of gypsum. Personal ornaments include ear and finger rings of
copper, shell bangles, steatite disk bead anklets and necklaces,
carnelian, faience, gold, and lapis lazuli beads. Other goods include:
handled copper mirrors, an antimony rod and a shell spoon (Rao, 1973).
Many burials of the Harappan Civilization had between one and five
small beads at the waist. High wear, low numbers, and small size
suggests they were worn as amulets, probably under the clothing. A few
males had beads around neck or at chest and a similar purpose is
indicated (Kenoyer, 1992). A small, dark stone truncated cone with a
single line etched around the top and worn as a pendant around neck has
been discovered exclusively with female burials (Kenoyer, 1992).
The Late Harappan Cemetery H is located between Cemetery R37 and
Mound AB on a slightly raised plain at Harappa (Rao, 1973). It covered
more than 3000sqm with two distinct layers (Rao, 1973). The Post
Harappan Cemetery H is characterized by a total lack of Harappan
ceramics. The lower Stratum II (H2) consisted of about out two dozen
extended burials with heads to east and flexed knees. The burials
contained a somewhat crude red ware apparently unrelated to Mature
Harappan ceramics. The ceramics are similar to that recovered at
Lurewata and Ratha Theri in Bahawalpur State. The upper Stratum I (H1)
consisted of pot/jar burials. These fractional burials were of urns
containing skulls and a few long bones. The urns and associated ceramics
were a more elaborate form of the red ware from Stratum II.
Much has been made of the burials recovered at Mohenjodaro. The
burials were dated by Marshall to both the Mature and Late Harappan. No
cemetery or Pre-Harappan interments have been discovered. Marshall
(1931) felt that the remains were intentionally interred soon after
death and had not been not disturbed by weather or animals.
A single Mature Harappan burial was found at Mohenjodaro. In
Courtyard 13, House III, Section A, HR Area, a secondary burial was
recovered (Pl. XLIII d). House III dates
from the Mature Harappan. The burial consisted of a skull in a broken
pot and a small amount of fragmentary bone. Mature Harappan burial goods
recovered from Mohenjodaro include: ceramics, ivory bits, miniature
vessels, balls, beads, chert flakes, a shell spoon.
A single burial was recovered in, the appropriately named Deadman’s
lane in HR Area, Section A (Marshall, 1931). In the Late Period the lane
was built over with houses (1931). This interment represents a Late
Period floor burial which intrudes into the Mature Harappan street
A mixed sex group of six burials were excavated from Lane 4 between
House XVIII and House XXXIII, VS Area. One is of a child. These are
intrusional interments from the Post-Harappan, are similar to the
Deadman’s Lane burial.
Hargreaves reported the discovery of 13 adult and one child (Pl.
XLIII a and Pl. XLVI a and b) in Room 74, House V, HR Area,
Section B (Marshall, 1931). Post-Harappan burial goods at Mohenjodaro
include: shell balls, inlay, animal vertebrae ceramics and personal
ornaments including shell and copper bangles, copper finger rings,
copper and faience beads. Marshall (1931) assumes same origin as Lane 4
and Deadman’s Lane burials.
A Mature Harappan cemetery was discovered at Kalibangan. It was
located southwest of the settlement, and dates to the Kalibangan II
Period, Mature Harappan (Tharper, 1975). Burials are divisible into three groups: pot, empty, and extended
inhumations (Tharper, 1975). Pot burials consist of an oval or circular
pit within which an urn containing the remains of the decedent (Tharper,
1975). Extended inhumation was in rectangular or oval pits with the head
to north Empty graves are structurally identical to the extended
inhumations but lack a body. Goods were deposited in the rectangular
pits, then left unsealed long enough for deposit of sand and clay to be
deposited (Tharper, 1975). They were later deliberately filled with
cloddy earth (Tharper, 1975). Grave goods for all types included
personal ornaments and a quantity of ceramics.

A distribution of the number of ceramics in each extended
burial. The highly simoid shape of the curve indicates a classic Bronze
Age civilization with elites and commoners. The commoners were divisible
into two classes; a common lower class and a far smaller class of
One unique extended burial was that of an elderly man. He was
interred in a brick lined tomb of the same size as the other extended
burials. The bricks used were 40x20x10cm mud bricks, the same kind used
in the construction of the walls. The bricks were covered with 2cm of
mud plaster. He was found with 72 ceramic vessels, the largest number of
ceramics discovered with any Harappan burial.
The Neolithic site of Margarh shows genetic relationships with
central and eastern Asia and lacks genetic association with the
successive populations of the Indus Valley (Lukacs, 1983). Burzahom, a
Mature Harappan neolithic site shows cultural affinities with central
Asia and China (Sharma, 1998). Recovered skeletal remains, however,
depict a biological affinity with the R37 remains from Harappa (Lukacs,
The cemetery located at Kalabangan contained far to few interments to
account for more than a small fraction of total deaths. Most of the
individuals interred in the cemetery at Kalabangan died of abnormal
causes, including: hydrocephally, fire, accident, and a copper axe.
Possible explanations include: another disposal location or cremation.
Cemetery R37- Harappa- Mature Harappan
south of Mound AB
designated by Shastri
Shastri- 1939- unpublished
Wheeler- 1946
Mughal- 1966
106- all pre UCB
38 male
55 female
13 indeterminate
look at Gupta et al 1962
UCB- 1987-88
90 burials
19 male
29 female
42 indeterminate
burials- all primary burials are rectangular pits oriented
some shafts reused
thick layer of debris over site of cemetery- mostly ceramic- 40%
4a- coffin
4b- head to south
in foundation trench for mudbrick wall
127a- coffin- head to north but facing east
3 shell bangles on left mid biceps
4 shell bangles on left forearm
steatite disk bead anklet
carnelian and lapis lazuli beads at waist between pelvis and shell
bangles on forearm
147a- coffin- head to north- adult male
cut off at lower legs due to the foundation trench for a mudbrick
steatite micro beads and 3 shell circlets at right temple of head
steatite disk beads under jaw to right
shell bangle fragment on left forearm and right forearm
carnelian bead at right hand and femur
148a- coffin
194a- face down to east- left arm to west- right arm to east bent
to north- right leg bent over 194b
196a- coffin- head to north facing east
Cemetery H- Harappa- Late Harappan
Vats 1940
between Cemetery R37 and Mound AB
Stratum I- H1- pot/jar burials
Stratum II- H2- earth burials
Marshall- Chapter VI Disposal of the Dead
H307a- fractional burial
figure 2- image of a H2 burial
similar burials in Baluchistan at:
Nal- Jhalawan District
no grave goods but personal ointments
both fractional and complete burials
Also Musyan in western Persia
Shahi-tump- near Turbat- LOOK!!!
Mohenjodaro- Harappan
Sewell and Guha 1931
Guha and Basu 1938
Marshall- Chapter VI Disposal of the Dead
intentionally interred soon after death
not disturbed by weather or animals
(Also not robbed)
Burial No. 3- Courtyard 13, House III, Section A, HR Area
House II dates from Intermediate Period
secondary burial
skull in broken pot
fragmentary bone, large amount of ceramics and small objects
ivory bits, miniature vessels, balls, beads, chert flakes, a shell
a squat carinated decorated vessel
Room 74, House V, HR Area, Section B
13 adult and one child
Pl. XLVI a and b
interred with personal ornaments
shell and copper bangles
copper finger rings
copper and faience beads
seal No. 80
Marshall assumes same origin as Lane 4 and Deadman’s Lane burials
excavated by Hargreaves
6- Lane 4 between House XVIII and House XXXIII, VS Area
includes one child
2 skeletons are covered by animal vertebrae
shell ball
3 pieces of shell inlay
Late I or Late II intrusional interments
1- Deadman’s lane, HR Area, Section A
lane built over in Late Period
burial from beneath floor of house in Late I or Late II
Kalibangan- Harappan
Lal 1962
Lal and Thaper 1967
Tharper 1975
Sharma 1982
Lothal- Harappan
Rao 1979 and 1985
Kashmir Valley
Kashmer Neolithic
~2920 to 1700 BCE
from 3 to 70 ceramics
fall into two discrete groups
0-8 and 15-70
(Sample not large enough to enable anything other than provisional
height by sex
male- 1.55 to 1.75
female- 1.45 to 1.55
lifespan- 55 to 60
The cemetery located at Kalabangan contained far to few interments
to account for more than a small fraction of total deaths. Most of the
individuals interred in the cemetery at Kalabangan died of abnormal
causes, including: hydrocephally, fire, accident, and a copper axe.
Possible explanations include: another disposal location or cremation.