A Sailor's Dream
Though my ship is small,
my sails are tall,
With ambitions high,
I ride the Sea,
I know that some where,
way out there,
True loves abides,
does wait for me.
One may say,
"It's only a Sailor's Dream",
he might pray
That love doesn't ride
life's ocean's Tide,
But I look beyond
the obvious things that seems,
To attempt to hide
my diligent stride.
I cast my nets
into the uncertain Deep,
Each time I search my catch.
Only to cast them again and again,
Maybe, next time,
I'll find my Match.
Through out my life,
I have searched in vain,
Looking here and there,
but end results, only the pain,
for all the quest remained the same.
Then do I let down my nets
just one more time?
Watching them disappear
beneath salty brine?
While looking across an endless Sea,
with high hope,
and of possibilities to be.
Now tugging hard
with all my might,
contrary currents, I must fight,
my endless quest by day and night,
But WAIT, be still my anxious heart,
What beauty arises
from the depths so dark.
Yet do I dare?,
into Her "Radiant Eyes",
so deeply stare,
Oh yes!
and with all cares to the wind,
be lost there.
Can this be?
Is it really happening to me?
At last ,"MY LOVE"
my DREAMS come true.
I give thanks
to the LORD above,
For HE has given me ~YOU~.
So take heed,
you voyagers that labor in Doubt,
Tis' time to bring Your ships about,
Just cast your NETS
one more time,
For in them you too
may surely find,
Your hopes
of all your "DREAMS" come true,
If it happened to me,
it can happen to you. ~