We are never Alone

He Spoke To Me

One day I talked to God
about the pain that I was feeling.
I asked him to give me peace
and asked him for his healing.

For many years,
I dealt with pain, mistakes,
guilt and doubt.
I prayed dear God,
please help me
figure this all out.

The answer that I received
no one else could hear.
I just knew
that the Prince of Peace
was standing very near.

I felt his arm around me
and knew that he was there.
He said, my child in all good time,
I will answer every prayer.

For now, you need to learn
to trust and lean on me.
For I am strong
and will carry your load
of all that's going to be.

I said, dear Lord
why is it so
that I must hurt this way?
His reply was,
my child I will answer all some day.

You must trust in me
and know I'm there with you.
And that my love
is always constant
and it's always true.

He told me
let go of the pain and guilt,
that's all you have to do.
For I died upon the cross
for people just like you.
To take away their guilt
and fear and carry all life's woes.
I didn't need to tell him all,
for he already knows.

So until I meet him face to face,
there's one thing that I feel.
He is there for others and for me,
to comfort and to heal.

Life will hand me many ills
as I pass along it's path.
But one sweet day,
the Lord will take me home
and I'll know peace at last.

Avis Fishel Perry

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