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May you never go
faster than your angel can fly

Angel On My Mind

Two graceful eagles,
came soaring down,
right here in my town.
As I gazed in awe
at their downward flight,
they lifted me up
one on my left side,
and one on my right side.

I was swept
into the clouds and soft breeze.
Being held so gently and lightly,
I was greeted by more
of the graceful wings
flying around so spiritedly
I landed on a soft hill
upon blankets of pinnate leaves,
whereby the eagles
changed into angels.

Dressed in soft plumage feathers,
aroma of sweet talc,
emitting heather color lights.
Baby looking faces,
with deep dimples
around their heart shaped lips,
hair like streamers of silk lace.

One spoke,
in cooling musical like tone,
"Be not alarmed
we come from the many hearts
that the love within
formed and created us."

Soon our multiple will be shown
in its charismatic grandeur,
filling the sky
and releasing golden dust
among the fruited plains and farms.

As I was brought back
to my land and lain on my bed,
a large feather laid in sight.
A dream one might say
though it hit the spot.

The thoughts in the dawning daylight
is part of what angel's stand for
And bring release of joy.
So use your love thoughts
and relax in the panorama
making play time.


Written By: Janet M Bonfiglio

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