Even More Of my Poems! |
No More... No more will I, Be as free, No more will my, Parents trust me, As they once did. You and I are stuck, In this together. We can both, Get through this, Some day. But when that day comes, I don't know. -Me- -2002 |
Dreams and Thoughts My dreams and thoughts, Haunt my mind. It's all happend so quickly, But yet so slow. My dreams are, Filled with visions of pain, and sorrow. My thoughts are, Of what may happen, In days and weeks, To come. My dreams and thoughts, Poison me, Draining all life, From my body. I'm scared, And confused. The happenings, Still run fresh through my mind. I hear whispers, In the black of night. Whispers of hope, And peace. But I cry to hard, Too listen to them, My face is hot, And my eyes sting. If only this hadn't happened, Maybe none of this, Would hurt so badly. I wish we could, Go back to that day, And change it all, But we can't. My dreams and thoughts, Hurt my heart and soul, The pain is beyond belife. My dreams, Corupt my mind, And fill my heart, With blackness. My thoughts, Fill me with fear, Not only do I cry, On the outside, But the inside as well. I wish so much, That we could turn back, But that could never be. -Me- -2002 |
"Life" How did it get this far? It hurts me deep inside, I feel so empty, I have no were to hide, My feelings are just so confusing! One half of me wants to run, Another wants me to stay, What should I do? I don't even feel like, any of this is real, Am I really here? I can't go on like this, I just can't take it any more! I hate life, I wish I were dead! Why does it hurt so badly? Not just my body, But my soul. I have to be dreaming! What is going on? It's so confusing! I need to get away! Has our friendship ended? Has she forgoten all about me, Or is this just a dream? It has to be! It's just so real! This "life" is so confusing! I can't figure it out! Why am I here? Who am I? I wish I could run away, Run away from this pain! I wish I could hide, And never be found! "Life" is so painful! Why does it have to be? Will my problems solve themselves, Or will I have to for them? I'm just so confused! -Me- -2002 |
Please if you wish to have one of my poems, you need to ask me first! Thank You!! |