UPDATED November 21, 2004
Lovebird Index
St. Helens, Oregon  97051
(Shipping is not available)

Common Varieties:
Peach-faced - most common variety
Fisher & Masked


Smaller member of the parrot family.
and are relatively small in size,
averaging about 4 to 5 inches in length.
Life expectancy up to twenty years.
One of the sturdiest, healthiest birds around.
Different varieties of lovebirds do not mix well.
Not necessary to keep lovebirds in pairs unless
desired. Single birds are more affectionate and less
noisy. Lovebirds enjoy being picked up and petted
or stroked. They are inquisitive and friendly to
humans, when kept as a single pet bird.
Territorial birds and do best if kept as a single
pet bird with wings kept clipped. They can be
kept in an outdoor aviary in mild climates.


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