The Accidental Audience:
You'll Never Know They're Out There

by Leslie Campbell Rampey and Bryan Rampey
April 13, 2002
The 13th International Conference on College Teaching and Learning


          ABSTRACT: Sometimes our Web-authoring labor can have unexpected rewards of which we unfortunately may never be aware – unless we know how to cultivate that outcome.  To do that, we definitely must “think outside of the box” and seek audiences beyond the boundaries of our immediate constituencies.  Finding those audiences can result in enormous self-satisfaction and in enhancing our own and our institutions’ reputations.

            WEBPAGE: "Seek and Find Your Own Accidental Audience: Creating a Presence on the World Wide Web."  (

Brief Bibliography

Dillon, Andrew, and Barbara A Gushrowski.  “Genres and the Web: Is the Personal Home Page the First Uniquely Digital Genre?”  Journal of the American Society for Information Science 51(2), Jan. 15. 2000, 202-205.

Green, Kenneth C.  Campus Computing, 2000: The 11th National Survey of Computing Information Technology in American Higher Education.  ED451744.

 Hsueh, Vicki.  “Advertisements for Myself: An Insider's Guide to Faculty Web Sites.”  Lingua Franca: The Review of Academic Life 8 (8), Nov. 1998, 75-77.

 Van Brakel, P. A.  “Enhancing Scholarly Communication: A Personal Home Page on the World Wide Web.”  South African Journal of Library and Information Science 64, Dec. 1996, 199-204.



Bryan Rampey


Leslie Campbell Rampey