Our Miniature Sheep breeding program was founded with Purebred Shetland Sheep.

     Shetlands, though not classed as Miniatures, are one of the smallest of the British sheep. Rams usually weigh 90 to 125 pounds and ewes about 75 to 100 pounds. Our Shetlands usually weigh half the standard. Rams usually have beautiful spiral horns, whereas the ewes are typically polled. They are fine-boned and agile and their naturally short, fluke-shaped tails do not require docking. Very small individuals naturally occur within the Shetland breed. We have collected some exceptionally small bloodstock and are pleased with how they are breeding true and giving us such tiny lambs! All of our sheep qualify, by size as Miniatures, some are so small they fall under the Toy sheep category!!

     The Shetland Sheep originally came from the Shetland Islands in the U.K. They are a primitive breed of sheep, very hardy and tough little animals.

    They are a calm, docile and easy-to-manage breed. Most respond well to attention and ours all even wag their tails when petted!


    Shetlands come in a an incredible array of colours and patterns. As a matter of fact you won't find a breed of sheep with as many naturally occurring colours. They have excellent quality fleeces, that can range in type from very fine and extremely soft, found around the neck area, to a coarser fiber found further back on the flanks and hips. The famed Scottish Wedding Shawls were traditionally made from the select neck wool of the Shetland Sheep, and the final product was so fine that the entire shawl could be drawn through a wedding band!!

The Shetland's wonderful fleece, calm sweet personality and small size make it the perfect breed for the hobby farmer and wool crafters, and of course as lovable little pets. Our Miniature Sheep incorporate all the wonderful qualities that the Shetland has to offer, plus the added bonus of being tiny!!!

For more information and many more sites dedicated to the Shetland Sheep check out our

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