Hello. Hope your trip down the extensive hall wasn't to tiring. Welcome to Team Bonet's comic appreciation page. Yes, you read right. Comics. You now those little loose things that used to sell for a dime. Now a days it's more like a dime and a couple of paper bills. 

In these space you will find shrines dedicated to some of Team Bonet's favorite comics. My God. Is such a thing possible? Team Bonet read comics? Non-Japanese material? Oh God. Something's wrong! Don't worry, it's mostly us down at the East End Studio doing the reading. You know the people who listen to Marilyn Manson and the likes of NIN. You know, the weird, abnormal people. The dark side of the Team. Yeah. Us. But, that's not to say the other guys don't pick up comics once in a while. Of course they do, it's just not as often as we do. Besides, truth be told, when they DO pick a comic up it's a translation of some manga or other. So, can we really call that reading comics? We'll let you decided. 

For now, please make yourself at home, but not too at home. We will not allow any messes from your part buddy. Read our  thoughts on comic collecting, then go and surf our individual shrines. Hope you enjoy them and that you return often. 

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