
My Sweet One

Nikki in January 2000

about 1998

Nikki is less then a year here

Nikki is the weirdest cat you could know, if the picture does not say enough. I could tell you many things about this cat. He loves to lick peoples hair, especially when it is wet. He loves to sleep on your head at night time, and he loves loves loves to cuddle, more then any cat I have known. And he will move around in your arms till he is comfy.
I call him Dameon sometimes cause he just looks so evil, with his black fur,and those eyes. Oh and he never meows, ever. Not even if you mistakingly step on him, he will just run away. I have not known a cat to never meow. Him and China were both left with me, they were my brothers cats, but he moved and didn't take them so I kept them for him.

Nikki is a crazy cat, but you gotta love him for that reason. He always makes you laugh at the stupid things he does, he use to climb my moms plant holders, and hangs from them. We had sheets in the basement one time, hanging on the walls, and he would jump up on them and climb from one to the other, and climb all the way up and sit in the beams of the celling...LOL... crazy cat!!!!..psst, don't leave a glass of milk on the table around this cat or you will come back to spilt milk :o) He is crazy for milk.

~October 26, 2003~
Oh My precious Nikki, how I miss you so very much. Nikki passed away on September 28, 2003.
Nikki was hit by a car and had to be put to sleep. The vet had told us he would not have had a good quolity of life due to his injuries. Saying good bye to Nikki was extremly hard, and I miss him everyday. I have lost too many babies in such a short amount of time, i don't know how my heart can continue to go on.

Good Bye my Sweet One

Nikki, you are my sweet love. My cuddle monster, my true comfort when I am sad. And now that you are gone, I miss you so deeply. I miss your wormth and purr, I miss the love you showed to me all the time with no conviction or pride. Your love to me was endouring and sweet, just like your personality and heart. I miss you sweet one.

Nikkis Poem

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