
January 2001
5 1/2 years old

About Two Months old

Baby Sammy, My cutie pututie

October 2000

January 2000

November 2000, lol he looks so funny here!

February 2001

This is Sampson the middle child of the family. He was born in the summer of 1995. I love him a whole lot as well. I found him underneath my moms back porch one night, he must have been all of 4 weeks old. I heard a tiny kitten crying and I woke up to see where it was cause it seemed so close by. And sure enough there he was, small enough to fit in my hand. He must have lost his way or his mother had died, cause I have no idea how he got into my moms back yard. Maybe someone put him there hoping we would take him in. And how could I not. My mom of course did not like the idea seeing we already had 4 cat's, but as she always says "if you can feed 4 you can feed one more" so we kept the little guy, and he is a great cat. What a personality he has. He plays ball or paper ( a bunched up piece of paper) with you, if you throw it he will bring it back and wait for you to throw it again, that is a funny thing for a cat to do, but he loves his ball with the bell inside it. Every time he hears it he comes running. He's a beautiful cat, affectionate and we love him.

~February 25th 2000~
Sampson is doing well, as a grown kitty.
In January he had to have two of his teeth taken out :o( poor guy. His bottom canins broke, and he also had his teeth cleaned as well. He will most likely have a problem with his teeth forever now. So he will have to have regular cleanings so they all don't break.

~October 26, 2003~
Well it has been a long while since I have done an update on my Sampson. I am doing this update with a sad note. Sammy has been missing from our house since October 21, 2003. Me and my DH (Carson) have been looking for him ever since. We have delivered 300 fliers, placed fliers at schools, stores, ads in papers, fliers on light posts, you name it we have done it. But no Sammy has come home yet. The Human Society has our name and info and all the vets in the area as well. I am constantly thinking of him and dream of the day he will be back home with us.

~March 10, 2004~
Sampson never returned home to us. It was a bad end to a year of a few losses for us. We lost Nikki in September, one week after we lost our baby due to a miscarriage, and then Sampson went missing one month after we lost our baby. I was still trying to get over the loss of my baby and having Sampson go missing was very hard for me to deal with. I have many pictures of him in the house and every time I see him I still do wish that he would be home with us. I longingly look in the open feilds when we drive by hoping that maybe I would see him. I miss him dearly.

I was looking through some old journals and I had and found some poems I wrote about Sampson when he was still with me. Here they are.

Baby Bear

your fur is softness to my heart
your sweet personality is what makes me smile every time I see you.
This is what love is

I love how you squeeze your big cat bum on my desk chair.
I love the fact that I mean so much to you that you will compromise your comfort for me.
My sweet baby bear.

My Sweet Tabby Cat

Sweet Tabby Cat
You are my inspiration,
do you even know this?
Of course you don't
but my love for you surrounds me, it makes me a part of who I am everyday.
I love you my Sweet Tabby Cat

When you speak to me I listen.
With every touch of your fur I cherish every wonderful feeling.
You are my friend, companion and the one I love dearly, till death do us part.
I love you my Sweet Tabby Cat.

both of these poems were written in August of 2002.

Sammys Poem

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Bridy & Sampson
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